Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]


Contract ID: 2-34-6031296-31

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: zubin47

Contract Title: CHECKMATE


Good evening, 47. You are invited to a chess game at Ambrose Island.
The rule is to attack the opponent’s metal pieces by setting, placing, or moving your pieces in a strategic area. Additional pieces may need to be moved to a specific area to make way for the metal pieces to a strategic area using emetic poisons.
Best wishes for your checkmate strategy !!

Brief Description:

This is a puzzle contract where you need to make some npc sick such that the sick metal workers can go to a strategic location. The tool for making sick is common in this island. One of a target looks easy however if you take the non-strategic path, you might kill some smoking engineers in the workshop.
I felt it like a chess game; you just need to place some set pieces and the targets will automatically kill themselves. You don’t have to wait, just go to next metal pieces / workers.
The players can get some hint from the image suggestions (inspired by image of Penned Pal challenge).

My Strategy
  1. Staring as metal worker, place Molotov Cocktail on the mat as shown in the image and leak the canister using wrench – two chess pieces out automatically – one of them sparks in the workshop which flames the gas canister and kills his colleague in return the impact ignites Molotov and burns him.

  2. Make the guard sick who goes inside the fence, and then make the metal worker sick who goes to outhouse shortcut area, push him. Bonus Tip: No need to wait, put Concussion Device at his back which will push him while he is throwing up – another chess piece out.

  3. Make one of the two patrolling pirate sick and then the metal worker will go to the toilet near the bar, use battery or some tasers on the water puddle in his way – another chess piece out automatically.

  4. Very easy one, smoking targets + Propane flask = last chess piece out automatically.

Once you place the set pieces, it is a guaranteed checkmate!!

You might discover a different strategy like using a sniper rifle or breaching charge. The gameplay is quite fast if you set the piece and move to next piece without worrying the last move. This contract can be played even if you bring nothing with you, collect the items from the map. Bring items as per your choice for faster gameplay.

Location: Ambrose Island, Andaman Sea

Image suggestion: