Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Two Stories Wireless

Contract ID: 2-34-1915648-10
Platform: Playstation
Submitter Name: Switcher
Contract Title: Two Stories Wireless
Location: Ambrose Island


Ever since Agent 47 destroyed the satellite in Ambrose. it destroyed the island’s whole electricity network, and it has affected the tourism at Ambrose.

The single tourist attraction that gets tourists to visit Ambrose, social media, isn’t available anymore.

47 now needs to cut the throats of the villagers that want to keep the state of tourism at Ambrose as it is right now, in order for Ambrose to rise again.

Good luck, 47.

Brief Description:

This contract is a 4 Targets, Specific Melee (Barber Razor + Kitchen Knife), No KOs and Any Disguise, revolves around door opening and distractions, I had enojed making this light hearted contract and I believe that others will enjoy playing this one.

Suggested Image:

Targets' Locations: