Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-3428814-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: The Rohit (Mis)Fortune
Location: Ambrose Island

You find Rohit Ray in the shadow of a shanty saloon taking breaks from drowning in a whisky bottle to drown in the ocean.

In drunken gibberish, he tells his tragic tale. He was cast out of Akka’s crew for beating a fellow pirate in a slap fight then losing to a militia soldier. Disgraced, his wife left him for another man and his father disowned him.

As you leave him to die, he slams 7 gold doubloons in your palm and promises more if you relieve him of his dishonorable burdens.

Brief Description:

A sniper assassin contract built around one of the sad saps drinking his life away on Ambrose Island. 5 targets. 10 shots. Can be completed in a few minutes from the radar tower.

Image Suggestions: