Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-2646296-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: Hsu Due Magic
Location: Ambrose Island

Seasoned pirates know it’s bad luck to spill blood on Ambrose Island. Unfortunately for Crest, Akka is a scholar of superstition. When she sees the photo of Lance Hsu’s body, she sends one guard to summon her betrayer and another to clear the way to his death with old magic.

Feed those with Hsu’s blood on their hands to the island they desecrated using its natural gifts. Once they’ve given up their last breath of ocean air, Akka can exact her revenge without bringing bad juju back on her crew.

Brief Description:

Pirates are a superstitious lot, and Akka isn’t any different. An eye for eye may leave the whole world blind, but she and her crew have never been afraid of the dark. It’s the spirits of the sea they fear. Before Crest can be punished for his crimes, they must earn the gods’ favor through ritual sacrifice. “Hsu Due” is a play on “voodoo” in this fairly simple contract where you’re tasked with avenging Lance Hsu’s death using earth and blood magic.

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