Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-2761823-92

Platform: PS5

Submitter name: tryagainlater

Contract Title: Hook, Boom and Shooter

Briefing: You have five targets to take out in a variety of ways and you can only take in so much. All weapons can be found on-site without knocking anyone out (although you can only get one from a target). Make your choice wisely.


Brief Description: The contract involves making a choice at loudout at which weapon for the five different kill objectives is the most convenient to bring in but they can all be found in the mission. You could bring in all the silenced guns in a suit starting location but you have to sneak into the ruins or pirate base to get the remote explosive or hook and I added the can’t change starting suit complication to make that harder. You have a bit more freedom of movement with the cook or metal worker start but you’ll have to use a loud gun which is not impossible but not without difficulty. I added the no pacification complication so you can’t just knock any guard out to get the guns. The only pistol you can get then is the one from the pirate target.
*Also want to note that I made a mistake in the briefing with where I placed the word “on-site”. I corrected it for the written one above but the in-game version is wrong.

Location: Ambrose Island

And Featured Contract Image suggestion (we’ll add an image in game, to make it look awesome)