Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-4259337-18
Platform: PC (epic)
Submitter name: Steventjeeee
Contract Title: A knife at Ambrose
Location: Ambrose Island

The militia: the people with big guns and loud explosives. They don’t know the power of leaving no traces behind.

47, you need to show them how a professional takes care of his problems with a much more efficient weapon.

Best of luck

Brief Description: This contract takes place in the ruins of Ambrose island. First you need to find a folding knife. You can find a folding knife at the shrine starting location next to the hippie on the tree. Then you need to carefully infiltrate the ruins in your suit and kill the targets without getting spotted. If you know how to make use of distractions the targets should not be hard to kill. Then you need to exit the mission. I didn’t put in the suit only complication, because i thought that it is hard to exit the mission with the raft in the militia cave without a militia disguise. If you don’t want to take that exit you need to walk quite a bit to the other, safe exits.

Contract image (i prefer the first one)