Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-8239879-82
Platform: Steam
Location: Ambrose Island
Submitter name: Casetros


Welcome to the luxurious Ambrose Island! Here you can enjoy our world-class cuisine at the famous “Farah’s Place”. But don’t be fooled, there are plenty of other hole-in-the-wall restaurants to try around the island! We promise the flavors will explode in your mouth, so be sure to try a little bit of everything! And once again, we hope you enjoy your stay at Ambrose Island!

Brief Description:
I picked 4 cooks from around the map. The first is walking up to the militia camp, the next two are both in Farah’s, and the last one walks between Farah’s and the beach. Boqin Lin needs to be killed by an accident and he smokes, so you can set up a propane trap. Mumtaz needs to be killed by consumed poison, which can be a little tricky because she does not want to move past the counter. If you place a coin on the edge of the counter, she will follow it and you can serve her a poisoned drink.

Featured Contract Image suggestion: