Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-34-0152894-19
Platform: Xbox
Submitter Name: Kesington019
Contract Title: The Pirate Giveth Back
The Pirate Giveth Back Briefing


The Pirate Giveth Back Complications

Brief Description: My first two-parter, so this one’s a bit trickier. Having just found another way of dealing with the satellite, I thought it would make for a good contract idea. Here’s 4 different accidents and 1 suit. Initially, I was going to add a 5th target by an exit, but I wanted the targets to work in either order. Hopefully, it should flow quite well.
Location: Ambrose Island
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:

Thanks for reading, have a nice day! :fire::cocktail: