Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract name: Waterworld
ID: 2-34-4288348-09
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: Steynkie69
Location: Ambrose Island

Crest and his guards have started a boat tour around Ambrose island, and they are calling it “Waterworld”. This is an undercover assassination scheme. Clients pay for targets to be lured to Ambrose for the tour, then rendered unconscious with toxic treats made by the biochemist, and thrown overboard to drown. The perfect accident.
Time to visit Ambrose, 47.

This is a simple fun contract. Drown the biochemist, and explode Crest and his two guards. No pacifications, and all bodies must be hidden in one big container, which is the sea. All items needed can be found on the island. No glitches were used, tested it several times and I got SA in 3:48 mins.
