Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-24-2884907-82


Submitter name: Login

Contract Title: A Visit to Ambrose

Briefing: Doreen Ambrose: to all appearances she seems like any other front desk cashier at the New York branch of Milton-Fitzpatrick. And that would essentially be true. But she declined our client’s mortgage application and was quire rude about it. So: long story short, she must die. Preferably in the most theatrical circumstances possible.

“What’s in a name? That which we call Ambrose
By any other name would smell just as sweet”

(Romeo and Juliet, Act II Scene II)

Brief Description: You asked for inventive takes on the theme. And the bank teller at the front desk in New York is called Doreen Ambrose. I’ve tried to be kind with the conditions, but if you want a really Dark Souls level of difficulty I also made Contract ID: 1-24-0514222-82

Location: New York / Golden Handshake