Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Ok a super weird one here set in Mumbai. I wanted to go with the reverse of what IOI called the theme and made the contract around 47 leaving Ambrose, but instead linking it in the description instead, but doing a me a referencing it to something, in this case a classic piece of Indian music; Bom Bom Bombay Meri Hai

Title:Bomb, Bomb, Bombday
Contract ID: 3-13-1558683-17
Username: Wigglyweevil211
Platform: Xbox
Location: Mumbai, India (Chasing a ghost)
Brief description: After departing from Ambrose, 47 knew his contract killing days were over, so he decided to travel back to his favourite map: Mumbai.
You must eliminate three dancers as Gregory Arthur all with propane flasks or explosive devices.

FC submission image (any will do there. If you can make a better copy of the songs image then feel free to use that):

(Meant to reference the music videos three people and to give it a old memories vibe as well!)

(Normal version just represent to music video.)
