Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

First post here so the probability my contract is selected is quite low, but I’ll try anyway :slight_smile:

Contract ID: 1-34-0162140-63

Platform: PC / Steam

Submitter name: Melusca

Contract Title: Where’s your fishing permit?

Briefing: According to the ICA (International Codfishers Association), there are people on Ambrose Island illegally fishing endangered sea life with heavy duty explosives. Those people must not be allowed to continue their illegal operations. You will find plenty of explosive devices on Ambrose Island - you can even make more with raw materials if needed - and they will work just as well on shady fishermen as they work on what they’re fishing.

Brief Description: 5 targets to kill with explosive devices, no pacifications, no bodies found (both complications optional). Since you can only bring 3 explosives in your loadout and the targets are far from each other, you need to get 2 more explosives from the map. I crafted them since it’s one of Ambrose’s most interesting features, but there are probably quite a lot of other ways to get them. Initially I planned to require suit kills but it was far too restrictive and just added a lot of running around for no good reason, so I switched to any disguise.

Location: Ambrose Island

Suggested Picture (feel free to crop the top as my monitor isn’t one of those fancy widescreen things):