Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Hi Fellow 47s of the World!

First time poster, hope I’m doing this right?

Contract ID: 2-34-2854073-51

Platform: Playstation

Submitter name: AyannaRee (Yanna)

Contract Title: Farah Asks a Favor

Briefing: A contract has been issued by Farah, who uncovered a sinister human trafficking ring operating right under her nose. The Liao Brothers are the ringleaders. Their team includes a waitress and a bouncer at Farah’s, who drug their victims at the outdoor bar. A military liaison then spirits the unlucky barflies to their horrific fate. Put an end to it.

Brief Description: Players have lots of flexibility in terms of timing and execution here, but optional conditions including weapon and disguise choices add some structure to keep things interesting, and ensure the player almost certainly will have to wander into restricted areas…or find yet another disguise to make their way past the guards. Plus, I love the idea of Farah taking care of business, and taking out the whole operation in one fell swoop…or rather, having Agent 47 do that on her behalf.

Location: Ambrose Island

Image Idea: IDK, maybe Farah giving a cook the stink eye, or 47 hiding outside of the Liao bros hut with the razor in hand?