Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-8480794-29

Platform: PlayStation 5

Submitter name: Mr-K231

Contract Title: Omerta

Briefing: Good evening, 47. Our client is a Russian arms dealer. One of his cargo ships was recently hijacked off the coast of Ambrose Island- a traitor in his crew tipped off the pirates. We are to eliminate the traitor, Rufus Ehrhart, any hostages from the crew, and the militia leader Orson Mills to ensure our client’s organisation remains secure. Our client is a believer in the old ways, and wants this done according to the rule of Omerta. Good luck, 47.

Brief Description: This contract showcases the two main factions on the island: the pirates and the militia. Players will need to sneak into the heart of both factions bases to eliminate targets using a fiber wire. This can be challenging if players are trying to remain undetected, and also showcases the many routes and hiding spots that can be used to get around the island.

Location: Ambrose Island

Featured Contract Image suggestion: 47 on the island with a fiber wire held in black gloves, sneaking up behind a target. The fiber wire is the focus in the foreground.