Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-5395555-33
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: PooliePlays25

Contract Title: Food For Thought
Location: Ambrose Island

Ambrose’s cuisine should be adventurous - the island is abundant with wild herbs, succulent fruits, and delicious fish. However, the chefs on the island are limiting this potential - always taking smoke breaks, late for work, watching TV on the job, and just a simple lack of passion or innovation.

Farah has asked us to retire her lazy chefs and teach the rest a lesson to bring a new lease of life to the island’s food. Perhaps then it won’t just be pirates tasting what the island has to offer.


Brief Description:
Five targets, all lazy chefs who are smoking, walking around, sleeping, or chilling out watching TV. Some of them are isolated, however the real challenge is working out how to kill the chefs in the Central Social Hub. There are no restrictions allowing for a variety of routes, however there is one complication where you cannot change your starting disguise. I love speedrunning and so this contract is possible to be done quickly, and also possible to be done Silent Assassin. Hope everyone enjoys!

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