Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-13-5512683-50

Platform: Playstation

Submitter name: Chiku138

Contract Title: Crowdsourcing

ICA has an active contract on Akka, but we don’t know her location yet. The only intel is that she is now in Wazir Kale’s old port.
With Kale gone, the only way is to interrogate her address from her pirates disguised in the crowd. Good luck 47, I shall leave you to prepare.

Brief Description:
As the opening cinematic of Ambrose Island mentions some information on Wazir Kale’s old port, this contract takes place just before that briefing. Here there is no information on Akka’s location but Diana says ICA has a contract on her.
There are four randomly disguised npc in the crowded streets, with same name and same route. These are some of people you scan while searching for Wazir Kale. There is no complication and you can use any method/disguise on them. The thugs will surely break your patience and you might get lost in the crowd sometimes. Some ways are disguise as metal worker to avoid thugs, barber’s clean shave, food vendor to poison, and a lot of sabotage waiting. Choose your way wisely.

Location: Mumbai

And Featured Contract Image suggestion