Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 3-31-0942726-75

Platform: Xbox 1

Submitter name: RapMaster8406

Contract Title: Ducky Hallowee

Briefing: Lord Quackzor, demon of the most sacred waterfowl, we call upon you this Halloween day. These three heretics have profited off of the slaughter of ducks! In the name of all that is unholy, we summon you to take revenge on these sinners! We pray that you will find them to be suitable sacrifices…

Brief Description: Wearing The Lucky Ducky Suit, and preferably using the ducky gun, you need to sneak around Mendoza to kill the targets

Location: Mendoza

And Featured Contract Image suggestion (we’ll add an image in game, to make it look awesome): I don’t have a way to send any pictures to my device, but I’d recommend 47 in The Lucky Ducky suit peering at the Yates from a doorway

Targets: Valentina Yates, Don Archibald Yates, and Tamara Vidal