Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Walkie Stalkie

Contract ID: 2-08-4845863-10
Platform: Playstation
Submitter Name: Switcher
Contract Title: Walkie Stalkie
Location: Bangkok (Club 27)


One step to the left,
One step to the right,
The body you shall not find.

One step forward,
One step backward,
From the walkie - talkie, you won’t hear a word.

This man has no borders,
They refer to him as the Stalker.

If you meet him, you ended your life!

Brief Description:

Are you ready to experience the true horrors of running around Bangkok with the Stalker disguise on? Well, here I got the contract for you! The idea of this contract is giving the players a choice of remote or live kills, of course you will need to kill some live, but you are given the choice of setting some traps for some of the targets they might find harder to kill before acquiring the Stalker disguise, but if you wanna go fast / hardcore, you can always do it without any traps, for the extreme of it, enjoy!

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