Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Hitman 3 Halloween Contract Submission

Contract ID: 2-28-0636489-29

Platform:. PS4

Submitter name: DogBiscui44

Contract Title: Undertaking Grave Business

Briefing:. Our client, the true undertaker, has learned that his former partner has been stealing business from him by impersonating him. To add insult to injury, his imposter has hired a team of shoddy grave diggers! Our client wants you, 47, to undertake this grave business on his behalf and dispose of them dressed as the imposter using your favorite weapon. I will leave you to prepare.

Brief Description: Kill the undertaker, take his disguise, kill all the shoddy gravediggers with your sniper rifle. No recordings, targets only, and you must exit using the hearse, of course. Happy Halloween!

Location: Dartmoor, Death in the Family

And Featured Contract Image suggestion…