Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 2-21-5469247-55
Platform: Playstation
Submitter Name: Kolnikov
Contract Title: Janus Rises From The Grave
Briefing: JANUS RISES FROM THE GRAVE… to carve a bloody swathe of DEATH through his own funeral! WHICH FACE WILL BE THE LAST YOU SEE? Filmed in incredible 47-O-VISION - so real you’ll swear the knife is in your own hand!
Brief Description: Once you’re in the burial robes and have the sacrificial knife in hand, it’s a fun route back up to Constantin and the Constant. Something to reward planners, but I suspect speedrunners will have fun competing for fastest time as well using a few common tricks.
Location: Isle Of Sgail / The Ark Society
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