Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 3-02-3314684-78

Platform: Xbox

Submitter name: SirCallywag

Contract title: The Vengence of Count 47

Briefing:These foolish mortals have trespassed on the ancient palace of Count 47. Rise from your eternal slumber, don your silk robes and enact the ultimate revenge by casting these vagabonds from your dwelling. Permanently. Happy Halloween!

Brief description: This is a parody of the Count Dracula movies as in this mission you must sneak into the attic and get the vampire magician outfit before slowly isolating your targets and getting close enough to get an unarmed kill (to mimic Draculas iconic blood sucking attack) on each. Almost every kill requires thought and stealth to get the targets in the perfect position to get an unnoticed kill. I also chose to add one optional complication of not getting caught by cameras as it is common knowledge that vampires are invisible in mirrors.

Location: Paris

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