Official Community HALLOWEEN šŸŽƒ Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 2-28-9961942-05

Platform: PlayStation

Submitter name: mjbsr2008

Contract Title: Never Dartmoor

Briefing: Iā€™m sick of this job for a fake funeral and these ravens keep screaming in my ears ā€œNever Dartmoorā€. I will not tolerate this anymore. Iā€™m going to kill the lazy bastards who didnā€™t help me get rid of these damn birds and Alexa Carlisle for making me create a fake funeral for her. It makes sense the ravens said what they said. Iā€™ll never come back to this place ever again once iā€™m done with them and leave after giving them all coffins unseen.

Location: Dartmoor

Brief Description:
in reference to Edgar Allen Poeā€™s ā€œThe Ravenā€.



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