Official Community HALLOWEEN ๐ŸŽƒ Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 4-29-9470382-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute

Contract Title: Counter Snipe

Briefing: 47, we have pinpointed the location of the Holle Sniper. He is currently holed up in a Biker Hangout on the outskirts of the city, which is adjacent to a nightclub. Take out the target up close to ensure he is out of commission as well as his accomplices who are hunting for his victims. They will be inside the club, so make sure to use accidents as not to arouse suspicion.

Brief Description: Thereโ€™s a serial killer on the loose who uses attractive women to lure potential victims to him. His accomplices are in the club with their potential victims whilst he is up top with a sniper. You are the one assigned to take him out before he kills again! Despite being in a neighbouring building, the Sniper is simple enough to reach without going too far out of the way. You can even snipe him with a pistol at the right moment and escape before his friend notices, allowing for a smooth speedrun.

Location: Berlin

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