Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 2-15-3912412-55
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: Kolnikov
Contract Title: Giallo
“The lawyer was the target, of course! But it would raise too many questions to have it be an obvious professional hit. Better if it were simply the work of a common, everyday axe maniac - eh?”

From the US dub of Ario Dargento’s “Death Has 47 Vices” (1974)

Brief Description:
Inspired by Italian giallo cinema - a mix of bloody, violent slasher and whodunnit thriller - 47 heads to Italy to star in a giallo of his own. The formula of a murder being pinned on a random knife killer is a well-worn one in the genre - but since it’s easy to get hold of a knife on this map, I went with the axe. Getting it across town from one end to the other makes for a fun puzzle, especially since the quickest way is through the heavily guarded room of one of the regular targets - and in order to keep up your axe murderer alibi, there can be No Pacifications…

Location: Sapienza / The Author

Featured Contract Images Suggestions:

(I’ve spotted a few other Super Fan/Fire Axe contracts - I guess it was an obvious choice for Halloween. Oh well!)