Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)


Contract ID: 2-09-0613913-31

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: zubin47

Contract Title: A Scary Contract


47 found a paper note inside the Scarecrow in Colorado which says -
“Scare kill the four culprits who murdered me, and my soul shall be free from this body”.

Brief Description:

There are only 6 Featured Contract selected from Colorado, let’s make Colorado an interesting map!!
In this contract, you need to disguise as the Scarecrow and take out four scattered targets using any methods. Some of us try the taser kill on guards as a free kill, but not in this case, and we must choose any alternate way. Two targets are among a group of people which will make it a bit challenging yet interesting contract whereas two of them are easy to isolate. Cheers!!

Warning: Be aware do not search what’s inside a scarecrow in any farm in real life, there might be evil spirit possessed in it, trust me there is always a spirit.

Location: Colarado, USA

Image suggestion:
