Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 2-29-7605971-77

Platform: PS5

Submitter name: Drecito47

Contract Title: Halloween: Initiation Night - The Raver

Briefing: Halloween night has arrived, and it’s time for your initiation into the Hell-Ravers gang. There’s a rave party taking place in Berlin. In order to be a member of the gang, you must eliminate five targets that are going to be attending the party. We are going to supply you with our signature rave outfit and put you on the VIP list under a fake alias. We left the basement door unlocked for your escape, where we will meet you on the other side to greet you in.

Brief Description: I believe this contract is a cool/fun halloween theme contract wearing the rave suit only and a story to fit the theme … four of the targets are any kill method to give players freedom on how they want to eliminate those targets and one target is fiber wire kill … I think it’s a well rounded contract for all type of players … I hope you and the community will enjoy it :jack_o_lantern:

Location: Berlin

Featured Contract Image