Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

glad to be back from my break from Hitman :grin: hopefully you guys enjoy this contract!

Contract ID: 1-16-3035333-89

Platform: PC (Epic)

Submitter name: Georgikens

Contract Title: The Butcher Of Bangkok

Briefing: Some say a vengeful spirit haunts the halls of the Himmapan Hotel. They say a former cook met a grisly death and emerges every fifty years to take revenge on the hotel’s workers. There is no evidence that this story is true, but who are we to ruin their fun 47? Muahahahahahaha!

Brief Description: Sneak around corners while not getting spotted, just like a ghost! Navigate around the observant militia members to take your rightful revenge :smiling_imp:

Location: Bangkok (the source)
