Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 1-30-2162666-02

Platform: PC (Stadia)

Submitter name: KizNews

Contract Title: The Night Slayer

Briefing: 47, I recommend looking into this case.
The Night Slayer was a killer active through 1987-1997,
He would only kill people who were dating or were friends, his first targets were 2 friends and 2 lovers. The ICA has been contacted by a man who wants to know how The Night Slayer killed his targets, he wants you to recreate his first murders for studying. All targets were found with stab wounds so I recommend using a knife.
Good luck Agent.
Screenshot 2022-10-07 9.16.58 AM

Brief Description: You have been hired by a man to kill people just like The Night Slayer did, the complication for all target kills is melee, I recommend using a knife but yeah.
Screenshot 2022-10-07 9.16.26 AM

Location: Chongqing, China

Image Suggestion:

Screenshot 2022-10-06 7.06.56 PM