Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 1-10-2568161-22

Platform: Epic

Submitter name: Castet77

Contract Title: I AM THE DOCTOR NOW!

47, The ICA Halloween Party with Diana starts in just a couple hours, what are you still doing in Hokkaido? Get yourself a nice disguise, perhaps you could come dressed as this famous celebrity-doctor, Akira Nakamura? That silly wig will make our guests entertained for sure!

Get into character. Some of the medical staff are not really convinced with your new outfit. Practice some injections. That Katashito guy, just push his buttons.

And get to the chopper if you want to be on time!

Brief Description:
47’s mission is to impersonate Akira Nakamura and deal with co-workers that are questioning his halloween costume choice. To get into character, kill conditions suggest he does so by practicing injections on his targets. All bodies can be hidden, but it is not required by the contract. Sneaking on the suspecting targets is the challenge. Player should take full advantage of the starting loadout to complete the kill conditions.

There are many historical examples of individuals impersonating doctors and performing medical procedures that did not end well for the patients. Fake spooky doctor, experimenting and playing games, eliminating those who question his authority is my concept for the halloween theme.

Location: Hokkaido

Image suggestion:

Note: It’s my first submission, I made some typos in the in-game contract briefing. If there is an option to edit it and fix it, I would appreciate the instructionson how to do it. I can also remake the contract with the briefing fixed.