Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 3-22-5680859-69

Platform: Xbox

Submitter Name: Canucklehead X

Location: Whittleton Creek

Contract Title: Christmas Creep


Is it just me, or is the Christmas Season getting earlier each year? For years, there has been an ongoing battle of seasons and Halloween is the only one that prevents the Christmas season from starting early. Halloween is holding on, but it is slowly losing ground. Tired of this stalemate, Santa has target the organizers of the annual Halloween Party in a Whittleton Creek community and has sent his avatar to deliver the gift of death.

Brief Description

Here’s my submission for the Xmas Featured Contracts. Wait, what do you mean it’s October and Halloween? How come all I see are Xmas decorations and items at Walmart or Costco right now? Well, if Halloween can’t stop Xmas at big box stores, neither can Clemens.

This contract pokes fun at the ongoing Christmas Creep in retail with Santa going after Halloween parties. And if this contract doesn’t get picked, I guess I have a submission lined up for December. :grin:

Image Suggestion

I’m sure Richard’s expression of despair mirrors most people’s reaction to seeing Xmas items in retail in September and October.