Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 2-03-3411326-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: The Caruso Disturbance
Location: Sapienza

Is someone still crazy if the fears that keep them up at night turn out to be real?

In Silvio Caruso’s case, the answer won’t matter for much longer.

It’s the anniversary of his motherly smothering, and after successfully terrifying him during the last haunt, the scorned Lady Caruso returns with a vengeance.

This year, she has more than a few cheap tricks in store for her wicked son and the cursed souls who have invaded her family home. This year, she posses a deadly weapon… you.

Brief Description:

It’s a Sapienza-style haunting contained in the Caruso mansion that aligns with the Beyond the Grave mission story. There’s plenty of freedom and a few crucial trade offs.

Image suggestions: