Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 1-22-7896152-94

Platform: PC (Steam)

Submitter name: Tim Timsen

Contract Title: The IT guy

You know, the guy.
No, not the one who tells you to turn it off and on again, the other guy.
Not the guy who is at you door at 7 in the morning to check your router, either.

The guy who looks like a clown.
No, he doesn’t juggle with hard drives!
He doesn’t use an ethernet cable as a jump rope either!
No, he isn’t skateboarding on a keyboard! How does that even work!?
Not that kind of IT!

Yeah, I bet you got it now.
No, not Immediate Transport! What does that even have to do with clowns!?

Brief Description: Another “reference contract”, this time about… yeah, “It”. 5 targets, 4 non-accident kills, 1 accident kill. You only fail when you get spotted or change your disguise.

Location: Whittleton Creek

Contract Image:

I just noticed that I misspelled “morning” in the briefing after I copy-pasted the text and published the contract, do I have to re-do the contract or can it be fixed (IF the contract gets featured) by IO?