❄ Official Community Winter Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

name:Quartz Tan
The contract title:Holiday Hackl Express
The contract ID:1-11-4359208-27(Epic)
Briefing:on the image so I think don’t need to type again
Description(Like what Clemems wants us to write):Find 2 kind of pistols from 2 kinds of different guard in map,kill the target and run.There’s many ways for players to find a method to collect these 2 pistols cuz there are many guard in this map. No one will hear the gunshots from that room so you can make a cool house clean.If you confident enough,you can even make a pistol snipe from many different locations!All depends on how players wanna do…Only limit is no disguise change,cuz I think steal both guns and clothes is not fair for those guards…

Image suggestion: