❄ Official Community Winter Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Theme: Holidays (its not winter everywhere…)
Contract ID: 2-26-2606393-09
Title: Holiday Hex
Platform: PS4
Location: Haven Island
Submitter: Steynkie69

Vetrova has assigned 5 people to make the holidays on Haven a nightmare, with unexplained accidents and bad luck. This will turn clients away and bankrupt the resort, giving her chance to escape. They must be stopped, but do it discreetly. Manipulate them into accidents, or simply make them vanish. Turn the tables on their Holiday Hex, 47.

This is a fun contract, where you can manipulate 2 targets into an amazing SILENT double explosive kill that will make players jaws drop when they see it. I was so thrilled when I discovered this! Can also be done seperately, with one easy and one tricky target. Then there is a cool triple electrocution (first time in a Hitman contract) with one roaming target, which is quite satisfying. Can also be done seperately. SONKO is optional. No glitches were used, tested it several times with 3 different methods, and I got SA in 3:07 mins.

Target locations:

  1. Vetrova’s bodyguard:
    Explosive device.
  2. Guard patrolling Turtle hut:
    Explosive device.
  3. Jet Ski rider (roaming):
  4. Turtle hut entrance guard:
  5. Sitting in pool:

Suggested Image: