Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

Final submission unless I think of something else that fits. Thinking of something Easterly isn’t as easy as I had expected! Anyway…

Contract ID: 4-24-5548721-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute

Contract Title: Murder House 2: Lost in New York

Briefing: The Easter Ripper is back, and this time he’s banking on your death!

Brief Description: Inspired by the game Murder House, where the Easter Ripper hunts people down with his trusty hook, this contract goes the route of Home Alone and moves from the House to New York!

Inside the bank, getting into your ripper costume will be the first port of call, but then you’ll need to find a way to your targets without help. One of the targets sets herself up for trouble like all good horror movie victims, whereas the other two will need a little more thought to get to out of sight. Perhaps … alarming … the guards will help you get them with greater ease!

Location: New York

And Featured Contract Image suggestion