Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

I’ll just resubmit one of my old contracts this time, since it fits the theme a lot (actually better than the first theme I submitted it for).

Contract ID: 1-24-2711138-63

Platform: PC (Steam)

Submitter name: Melusca

Contract Title: 47’s Adventures in Wonderland

Briefing: It looks like some people at the Milton-Fitzpatrick Bank got too far down the rabbit hole of financial schemes. Our client has provided us a few bottles with an enticing “Drink Me” label they want them to taste, and a strange-looking rabbit costume they want you to use to infiltrate the bank, to demonstrate that anyone could get through their security, no matter how ridiculous they seemed. I think they’re all mad here, 47, but the ICA’s reputation is at stake. Godspeed, and don’t be late.

Brief Description: Poison three targets as a bank robber, no pacifications, no disguise change, 10 minutes time limit (all complications optional). The time limit’s mostly here for the theme and it’s not particularly hard to finish the contract with plenty of time left.

Location: New York

Image Suggestion: