Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

-----Sone Ka Anda-----
CID: 1-13-0146087-96
Platform: PC
Submiter name: Druid Forest
Contract title: Sone Ka Anda
Location: Mumbai
Brief description:
From what I read at the internet about Vedic philosophy (The Vedas are a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India) Hiraṇyagarbha is the source of the creation of universe or the manifested cosmos (literally the golden womb, poetically translated as universal womb), so I used it as theme in real form of “Golden Egg” (“Sone Ka Anda”). Because every religion is full of interesting “disputations” I used it to basic conflict.
“Anda” means “Egg”. “Andar” means “Inside”. So I picked targets with specific names.
At first glance, the contract may seem complicated, but it’s not that much, I hope. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to estimate the level of difficulty, but community contracts should bring those who play them some experience that they can use later in the game.
People say that “Skywalk” is a perfect place for spring walk.

