Official Community Created Contracts - SPRING CLEANING (April 2023)

Contract ID: 1-30-9542562-10
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: bgyorok
Contract Title: The Clone Cleaner Club™
The ICA facility in Chongqing has started generating clones that are harmful to human life and the economy. This is the reason why we have created the Clone Cleaner Club™ in Chongqing, China (we take credit for the creation of this catchphrase!).
Be careful! They can cause a colossal calamity if not taken care of!
Brief Description:
4 targets, no suit restrictions, 3 kill conditions, and no complications. This is a sniper assassin contract, although SASO can also be achieved relatively easily. Good for speedrunners and casual players alike.
Location: Chongqing
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