Official Community Created Contracts - SPRING CLEANING (April 2023)

Contract ID: 2-13-6734829-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: The Dry Cycle
Location: Mumbai

Welcome to Mumbai, 47.

With people across the city spring cleaning, a tide of dirty linens has overloaded workers at the laundry. Add to that threats of violence after the foreman mixed up the gangs’ instructions, and many are folding under the pressure.

Our client has paid quite the bounty to sort out this mess. It’s simple. Rangan’s goons always opt to tumble dry, while Vanya’s crew and the Crows prefer a heated dry.

Get that through the foreman’s head, 47… and beware static electricity.

Brief Description:

A dry spin on the theme where the foreman’s continual blunders amidst increased spring cleaning demands creates a stress mess at the Mumbai Laundry. Venture into hostile territory as the laundry worker to illustrate the local gangs’ affiliated drying preferences in terms the foreman will remember for the rest of his life.

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