Official Community Created Contracts - SPRING CLEANING (April 2023)

Contract ID: 2-03-5737249-10

Platform: Playstation

Submitter Name: Switcher

Contract Title: Clear Mirror

Location: Sapienza (World of Tommorow)


Through a Clear Mirror you choose what to see, the dirt and the mess, or the pure and the clean.

The same goes for your targets, you can see the dirt and the mess through the Mansion Staff and you can see the pure and the clean through the Housekeeper.

Eliminate your targets while wearing their uniform in order to present the two sides of a Clear Mirror.

Good luck Agent 47, make the Mansion a little bit cleaner.

Brief Description:

As you can see, this is a 4 Target // Melee Kill Method // Housekeeper / Mansion Staff Required Disguise // No Pacifications Optional Complication.

The concept of this contract is routing as:

  • There are no starting locations with the required disguises
  • There are 2 bags with the housekeeper disguise
  • There is 1 bag with the mansion staff disguise
  • One of the bags with the housekeeper disguise is near the mansion guard starting location
  • The bag with the mansion staff disguise is near the kitchen assistant starting location
  • You can acquire disguises from targets after you kill them
  • Targets are split between 2 floors, in each floor there is 1 housekeeper target and 1 mansion staff target

There are so many ways to route this one it’s incredible

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