Official Community Created Contracts - SPRING CLEANING (April 2023)

Contract ID: 3-03-3179697-71

Platform: xbox

Submitter name: AgentSnail47

Contract Title: Spring Lilies

Briefing: Spring Cleaning is well under way at Villa Caruso, but where are the traditional lilies? Turns out some of the cleaning staff have claimed the pollen is giving them allergies, but who are they to complain?! Losing the lucrative Spring flower contract is unacceptable, but the answer is simple: eliminate the complainers and get the flower company back in business.

Brief Description: You’ll have to get a flower delivery man outfit but there a few ways to do that, some more creative than others (and may have knock-on effects on the movement of some NPCs). Otherwise, it’s a nice jaunt around the villa with ANY kill method and no other complication. Where and when you pick up the disguise(s) (or possibly even leave them temporarily) can have an impact on how your run goes.

Location: Sapienza