Official Community Created Contracts - SPRING CLEANING (April 2023)

And another one (can you tell I love Dartmoor?)

Contract ID: 3-33-7649292-13

Platform: Xbox

Submitter name: Calo1735

Contract Title: SPRING B(L)OOM


Brief Description: I really like The Garden Show, because you can get around (almost) everywhere in your suit. Also, it is definitely the best map to celebrate Spring ! That said, this contract is a bit tricky to get 5 stars on, but I found two different routes to do so. There are only two propane flasks on the map, which means you’ll have to use one of the lamps to blow Sato up. Since you can’t shoot the propane flasks, I suggest using the targets’ dirty habits to eliminate them… Enjoy !

Location: Dartmoor Garden Show

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