Ask HMF anything

My advice is get into the gym or the pool or whatever workout routine you want to do and get consistent with it before you go spend a bunch of money. You can go crazy buying supplements and gym memberships and all the shoes and clothing and gear…. But if your heart isn’t in it then all you did was waste a ton of Euros bc you got excited.

Workout for 45 minutes or more at least 4 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks. Even if the first few times that just means a 45 min walk at a brisk pace at a track or a trail or some place where you don’t have to stop. That can be done now for free. If you find its too easy then start jogging. If you hate to run maybe the lap pool is for you? Again, don’t go spend a fortune until you have proved to yourself this is for real. Once you’re sure you want to get fit then you can go beyond just eating less junk and moving your body.


That’s nice of you! I wasn’t really asking for myself, I don’t want to do any sports :sweat_smile: I am feeling fine with being lazy :sweat_smile: I was just curious if you think Grey and 47 would use these supplements (is that what they are called?) because I often see them used by fitness influencers and I was wondering if that is something muscular people like them eat :thinking:

That thought just came to my mind because of the new ET and all the new fitness equipment in the safehouse. It was just some little thought. But thank you for the advice :smiling_face::heart:


Oh I totally misunderstood :rofl:

I thought you were gonna go get into it!

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In the current build of the WoA, is it still possible to launch a fire extinguisher in a similar way to how Kotti played the OG Forger ET back in 2016? (I know FE explosions are now non-lethal.)

I’ve been experimenting with breaching charges and coins in H3 and I can’t get it to fly. Does anyone have any tips?

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“That Geeky Guy” likes to launch propane tanks. Maybe you can adapt his approach for fire extinguishers. See for example his video on The Disruptor:


If you’re not opposed to opening up your controller :screwdriver: you might consider getting something called BW-100 electronic contact cleaner. Spray this onto the potentiometers for whichever stick is drifting. Heck, spray them both just for good measure.


I recall seeing a pic of 47, it might’ve even been in this forum… he’s in the pose where he’s facing to his left, but it has the colors of (what might be referred to as) the Sunset theme. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? Can you post or link to it here?

Ok, I know Haven´s lighting has been kinda worse off in H3, but having just played the mission after a long while, I was pretty shocked by how dark cloudy Haven is. Much darker than how I remember (feels almost like running around in instinct mode). Was it always this bad or is my memory just deceiving me? :roll_eyes:

Does anyone know where this image of Bryan Cranston originated from? I’ve found it randomly on X.


I own that copy of Codename 47. It’s awesome.


I’m jealous. I always keep an eye on ebay for that


Lol, thanks. Had no idea that was not him.


Can anyone give me genuine advices to deal with (verfied) ADHD without pills? Not the “Oof I’m tired I can’t study” ADHD but the “My brain is unable to process these words on the paper and I’m going to a games forum for studying advices” ADHD, because the SAT teacher gave us way too much homework to be done in 2 days and reading simple questions is torture.

Can any gun experts or enthusiasts recommend a good semi-automatic shotgun, the closest in fire rate and ammo capacity to the discontinued Spas-12, that is available and legal to purchase in the US?


If it’s for a purchase, I advise you to go and talk with a professional armourer. They will be able to guide you, and they will know the questions to ask you for it.

Do not take it badly, but if your current approach and criteria are the Spas-12, it might be better to take it from the top.

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What do you need the shotgun for?

Gonna sound like the most predictable, cliche’ response to that question, but protection. My wife and I live in a deep red state, and with how crazy the MAGA cult is going over the attempted assassination on Trump and now Kamala Harris running and having a decent chance of winning, everything is pointing to violence on the horizon no matter how the election ends, especially toward women of color.

My wife is Latina, and we live in a neighborhood surrounded by Trumpists and live next door to a Black family, so there’s a good chance someone might get the idea to start attacking in this direction. She’s signed us up for weapon training classes so we can have licenses to carry concealed handguns, and then we’re gonna get one for her, but I’d be more comfortable with a shotgun, and preferably one with a fast firing rate that can fire multiple shots before reloading.

I don’t want to seem so specific as if I’m planning to use it on someone; I’d rather never have to use a weapon at all, even for defense. But I’m almost certain serious shit is coming, and I want my household to be as not worth messing with as possible.