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While I personally don’t like the idea of having to own firearms for protection, I understand where you’re coming from. What you’re describing sounds like a nightmare. I truly hope everybody stays calm and you’ll never find yourself in a situation where you or your neighbours might have to use those weapons.


While the city I’m in tends to lean mostly blue, or at least moderate, and has a strong military presence, so riots in the streets and other displays breaking out here are less likely, I at least want to be prepared for trouble in my red-leaning neighborhood. I’m hoping that being essentially out-numbered citywide will dissuade anyone from getting stupid ideas, but you never know.


Does anyone know if Agent Price spawns in Berlin if you choose another starting location? I can’t seem to locate him and neither through instinct.

He does not. You have to begin Berlin from the way it starts in the campaign for him to show up.


If I want all 11 in one go, then I’ll play the level from the story location. I don’t mind, just taken my second run. Currently replaying the hole trilogy and wanted to speed it a bit up.


The Benelli M3 and M4 Super 90, Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol and 1301 Tactical, and Mossberg 940 Pro Tactical are among the best semi-automatic shotguns on the market for self-defense. However, it’s important to note that high-quality semi-automatic shotguns are typically more expensive than the pump-action variety.

While magazine capacities vary, 7+1 — i.e., seven 2.75-inch 12-gauge shells in the magazine, plus one in the chamber, for a total of eight — is common. Benelli sells reduced-capacity variants of the M3 and M4 Super 90 to civilians, but several companies offer magazine extension kits for both. If you deem it necessary, there are also multiple ways to carry additional ammunition on the gun: side saddles, butt cuffs, and Velcro “cards” that attach to the receiver or stock.

I would advise against using the SPAS-12 as a benchmark. It’s the shotgun equivalent of the Desert Eagle — cool and imposing on screen but heavy and impractical in real life (it weighs close to 10 lb or 4.5 kg). That said, if being able to fire the weapon in either semi-automatic or pump-action modes, like the SPAS-12, is of interest, the Benelli M3 also provides this function.


I was advised of mostly the same thing in PM by another forum member, but thanks for the info, it enforces what they said.

In another subject: why are so many Christians getting so worked up over the opening to the Olympics in Paris with the whole drag queen thing? They think it was mocking the Last Supper, but that’s not what they were presenting. But, let’s say for the moment, that they were mocking the Last Supper painting: why would Christians care about that? Not only does that painting have nothing to do with Jesus or the Bible, being painted 1500 years after Jesus died, but it was painted by a gay atheist. You’d think they’d want to mock it. But then, most Christians think Jesus was white because of painting like that, so… :man_shrugging:


What I understood so far that they feel Jesus and the Last Supper and with that their believe as a whole is being ridiculed. Picking up the painting motive was just a mean of that according to them.

I also read about Muslims who don’t like that either as Jesus is also a prophet in the Quran.


He is mentioned 23 times, a chapter of quran is even named after Mary. though keep in mind that hetrosexuality is the only acceptable form of sexual identity/preference for them, and anything else could lead to your execution.

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Does anyone else get annoyed when acts of congress or the legislature are attributed to presidents and/or governors? I get the whole “buck stops here” thing, but presidents and governors don’t pass legislation. Every single article I’ve seen about the California minimum wage increase for fast food workers was attached to a picture of Governor Newsome as if it’s his law. The California legislature passed the thing. The only thing Newsome did was sign it.

I don’t live in California and I don’t care what their minimum wage is, but I get annoyed by executives being blamed or taking credit for things they didn’t have all that much to do with.


Those are the best available, but for way less money you can get a tactical mossberg 500. I have a lefty one and I love it.


Is there anything you’ve seen or heard about that’s ever made you think that there just might be a God after all, and that He’s got one twisted sense of humor?

One of the few things that does it for me, that’s almost got me convinced, is how Steve Irwin died.

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Nah, not the slightest bit religious.
I don’t think Steve Irwin’s death was divine intervention. I think it’s just what happens when you’re exceedingly comfortable manhandling wild and deadly animals. Great advocate but pushing his luck imo.

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That’s just it: all the dangerous things he’s dealt with like nothing, and then he accidentally spooks an animal that isn’t normally deadly to humans and whose attacks can be treated relatively easily, but it happens in just the exact way that he could have already been in an emergency room when it happened and they wouldn’t have been able to save him. The odds of all that falling into place just so has got to be on par with shuffling a deck of cards the exact same way more than once.

It almost feels like something said he was gonna live a life of danger (danger danger), but was going to go out being taken down by a joke of an animal when he wasn’t even doing anything to fuck with it like he normally does. Like something might have set that up as a karmic gag. Makes me think about it every time I’m reminded how he died.

I don’t know man, they’re literally called stingrays. Maybe not a good idea to swim around with some prehistoric animal with a giant venomous barb.

If you play with fire long enough, you’re gonna get burned. There’s really nothing more to it.


Maybe, but something being a long shot doesn’t make it impossible.

Not saying it does, I’m just saying, it’s a prime example I’ve seen to suggest that maybe there’s something to the idea that it’s all planned, and sometimes the joke is truly on you.

You speak of Steve Irvin. But every time I’d watch Jay Leno, when he’d have a “wild animal” on with someone like Jack Hannah… Say, a young’ish tiger… or whatever potentially dangerous animal it’d be… Then Jay would aggressively pat it on the head like it were a domesticated dog. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking, but I was surprised he never got attacked. I always felt uneasy watching him around anything that could easily have him for a meal.

I had other things to say, but I’ll leave that as [REDACTED] since it’s already been said… or would potentially lead to another long, drawn out (and pointless) discussion.

So I’m thinking about buying a next gen console. Which would be an Xbox, since I’m not a PC gaming guy, my library is one it, and the few studios I still interested in (Obsidian, InXile) are under them.

Could anyone tell me if there is that much of upgrade between the Series S and Series X?

Personally, resolution and fps are not that much of a deal (I play with a 1080p computer screen, and as far as fps go because I never went for high ones, so 30fps just feels normal to me). I had no issue playing a few games with the Xbox Cloud, and found it satisfying to give you my standards.

I kinda want to know for the rest, ray tracing isn’t really needed to me. But things like pop-in, render distance genuinely are important for me.

The only game I’m currently interested in would be Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, and I honestly don’t have any other recent games that I would want to play that much on my mind. I’ve been pretty indifferent to the current generation games.


We have a Series X in the household, upgraded from a One S. That was a massive upgrade when we loaded the games we own already. Most notably the render distance in Minecraft. :joy:

If that is the case, why buy a new console? Especially if you stay in the same generation/manufactor? Does Cyberpunk run bad on the Series S?