I don’t have a Series. I have an old first edition of the Xbox One that I bought in 2019.
It would be me upgrading to the next generation.
I’m currently hesitating between a Series S or a Series X.
My gaming needs are presently rather modest, and I doubt that they will grow. So I’m more tempted toward a Series S. I prefer to check though.
As I said, fps, screen resolutions and even loading times are not a big deal for me. Pop in, render distance are, texture resolutions,… are more the question.
Ah, then you could do the same upgrade like I did as I had the One S as well.
I noticed more detailed maps and longer render distance. No Man’s Sky is another game where it is quite obvious. I did not notice more frames really, but we don’t play fast paced games where that really matters.
We went for the X instead the S because the price difference was not terribly different and it seems like multi-platform games tend to run goodish on X versions of Xbox and something between goodish and terrible on the S versions. At least the bigger games.
I have a Series S and love it. It suits my casual, try-out-these-AA-Gamepass-games needs. It also runs Hitman WOA waaay better than my PS4 does. It would be a noticeable improvement over the Xbox One.
Having said that, the Series X will be much better with regards to render distance and pop in.
I’m usually a console generation behind, and a #patientgamer for the most part. I don’t often play graphically intensive games. But you notice frame rate slowdowns, hiccups, stuttering from time to time on the Series S.
If you have the money and space for the X, it’s what I’d recommend. Cyberpunk will load and run noticeably better on it (I am assuming, with no “digital foundry” type expertise).
We used to do this all the time back in college except for real. We limited it to just two items though. The ones that got the best reactions were things like a jug of antifreeze and one dog bowl or a bag of apples (or candy) and a single box of razor blades. Both of those are in very bad taste, mind you, but the goal was to the get the cashier to react and both worked.
Don’t know if I’ve had the pleasure since I haven’t yet hit my 3 year anniversary here and it shows it’s been at least 3 years since you were last here, but carrying on from @MrOchoa’s report, there’s also still no news on the release of a Tactical Turtleneck with gloves, either.
I wouldn’t worry about it, nobody’s ever heard of this @ampburner character anyway, and they probably don’t have much of a history on HMF. It’s not like they built it or anything: our leader has been @wincenworks since the beginning of time and Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
No unfortunately I’m trying to find the bottle that is a reskin of the wine/wiskey bottles. The one that can be used as melee.
It was specifically made for the disruptor.