Covid Vaccine Thread

Today my dad got the second jab, and my mum got the first.

Time to breathe a bit easier, its certainly one less thing to worry about :slightly_smiling_face:


Went in for the second dose yesterday. The first dose just left me with a sore arm for the day, but this time I woke up at 3 in the morning with a fever and nausea. It’s stayed pretty mild so far, but it’s left me a bit off all day.

Still, it doesn’t seem like anything a good night’s sleep won’t fix. :+1:


Got my second shot yesterday. No serious side effects on my end yet, except I’m extremely tired and drowsy. Can’t stop yawning for anything. :yawning_face:


got the second shot today. the CDC hasn’t spoken on this possible side effect, but I feel I should disclose that it is still possible to fail an elusive target after your second dose


Since Monday when I got my first shot, I’ve been feeling pretty good. My sister unfortunately had a worsening headache for the past 2 days, but I haven’t felt anything different or worse after the shot. That’s nice.

I did feel pretty sleepy yesterday, but that’s probably you typical school sleep deprivation rearing its head.
Also my arm has been sore since Monday, but today the pain has finally subsided.


Still waiting for my first shot. I hope I can get it soon as the country is supposed to remove all social distancing restrictions on 21st June and if I want to go back to work in music venues then i’d much rather be vaccinated.


I just got summoned via letter for my covid vaccine. apparently I’ve got some medical offset which causes me to be extra vulnerable to covid? no clue how i never knew that but if it means getting the vaccine early, sure. im considering gettin my shot after my exams so that if i get any side effects that they wont effect me during my exams.


First shot coming up on Saturday for me, can’t wait. A little bit of light at the end of the tunnel suggesting that life might one day return to normal.


I get my first shot on Tuesday. Finally catching up to the rest of my immediate family!


I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine last week. Whoopee! It sounds a bit sentimental, but I can’t help feeling privileged and very lucky: our NHS has been working so tirelessly, and gets less respect than it deserves. I recommend keeping any little cards, information leaflets or other trinkets you may get: we are living through what will one day be a fairly major historical event, after all!


As someone who got 2 sinus infections when I lived in England and had my prescriptions 100% covered - as a foreign student - I have nothing but respect for the NHS.


Pfizer’ed up with my first dose this evening, and feeling mighty pfine about it. :syringe: :muscle:


I’ve been fully vaccinated via Moderna since February. After the second shot I had flu-like symptoms for about 36-48 hours, as is common. I was surprised at how fatigued I was— I basically stayed in bed for a couple days. No other side effects. Definitely worth it.


I got my first shot this morning. Did anyone else get really tired and then really hungry? I’m wiped but I also want to destroy some garlic bread.


Not sure about being super hungry but it definetly wiped me out for something like 14 hours. Then again, who doesn’t want to destroy garlic bread?


Go for garlic bread AND garlic naan from your fav Indian place.

Which vaccine did you get?


Moderna. Thanks Dolly!


ALL of the FFS’s. ALL of them.

I got my first covid vaccine shot (Pfizer) on Saturday evening. Started feeling a bit unwell (achy legs, mild fever and mild cough) on Sunday afternoon. Fine, that’s probably side effects of the first jab.

Did one of my twice-weekly lateral flow covid tests for work on Tuesday morning and got a positive result. Jumped in the car and went to a drive-through PCR testing site to get a more accurate lab result to hopefully show the lateral flow result was a false positive. Nope, lab results came back early this morning, and I had a positive result for covid.

For the entire week before my symptoms began on Sunday, the only people I had seen were at work on Tues/Weds/Thurs: I share an office with two other people for work, in a large, well ventilated room. We all do lateral flow tests on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and our tests all came back negative last week. Their tests this week came back negative too, so I’m reasonably certain I didn’t catch it from work.

I live alone and have been working at home since last Friday, and in that time before my symptoms started on Sunday, the only place I have been (aside from the office the previous week, which I’ve ruled out as the source) was the vaccination centre to have my first shot. So I’m pretty sure I caught covid at the vaccination centre.

Alanis Morissette can fuck off.


Now I crave some carlic bread. My wife had her first shot a few weeks ago, get a sore neck for two days and was tired for 2-3 days.
I’m getting my first shot next week. The fun thing about the vaccination site in my city: During the opening hours they have a beer and sausage booth at the entrance. Win!


Oh man, sorry to hear that. I hope your case is mild. Let us know how you’re doing in a another few days.