Create a Fan-Made Story


Mission 12
Title: Cog in the Machine
Targets & Objectives:
Eliminate Jade Nguyen
Eliminate Jack Aegis
Rescue Victoria
Location: Stauning Alps, Greenland

Opening: “What did it say?” Jade asks the one remaining Praetorian as he approaches the control center. She’d become impatient. She had Victoria, yes, but it wasn’t safe to do anything until 47 was dead. That and combined with the Saints’s sudden silence, it had become nerve-wracking.

“Nothing yet,” Aegis replies, taking a stance and folding his hands behind his back, “Travis trained her well.”

Jade blows out a breath. That provided both good and bad news. Good in that Victoria wouldn’t easily give away information should it be caught while out in the field, yet bad in the situation they reside in now.

“Everyone has a weakness,” Jade steps closer to Aegis, “Find its.”

The man bows his head. “Of course.” Spinning on his heel, he marches back down the hall towards the interrogation room.

Yes, Victoria will make for a fine asset to the ICA.

“Jade?” her assistant asks, and she turns her head in his direction. “She isn’t just for the ICA, is she?”

Nguyen rocks back on her heels, letting a smirk cross her features. “And what gives you that idea?”

The man shrugs. “You wouldn’t go through all this effort to finish Travis’s pet project. You have ambitions of your own.”

“You’ve been observant.”

“Nobody notices the invisible.”

Jade lets out a small laugh, only loud enough for him to hear. She takes a step back, then two, until she’s standing right beside him.

“You’re right. It will be useful to the ICA after some time of reeducation. But it’s obedience I need the most.” Jade glances at her assistant. “How loyal are you?”

The man blinks. Silence stretches between them before the man says, “Only to the Division Chief.”

Jade’s lips curl. “Good answer.” She tilts her head in the direction of where Victoria is being kept, “That thing will change everything about the ICA.” Management dead, and her in the top position. In charge of everything.

The only blockade she had left was killing 47.

47’s eyes scanned the possible entry points. There weren’t many he could see from this angle, but he had two primary options. The first, using the gondola up to the mountain facility’s literal and figurative front. The other, using the newly bought mountain equipment to scale to the other side of the facility.

“So, you’ve got a plan?” Smith asked. He sipped the hot chocolate held in hand.

“I’ve been here once. They’ve modernized it,” 47 observed, ignoring his ally’s question.

“Sure this is a good idea? Wouldn’t the ICA hunt you harder if two of their guys died at their base?” Smith asked another question, clearly unsure.

“The Board of Directors don’t know about Victoria. Nguyen will be replaced and supervised. Nobody will miss Aegis.”

“Sucks. A strategic mind like Nguyen could’ve been great as the president’s aide,” Smith was saying.

47 gazed at the top of the mountain.

“I’ll find you, Victoria,” he murmured.

Post-Mission Cutscene:
Victoria winced, pulling her head away at the contact she felt on her hands. Was it happening again? Aegis and his torture? She’d tried to be so strong, and now…now all she felt was agony. Why would 47 save her? Did he really owe her anything anymore? Maybe he really did just abandon her like Aegis was telling her he would…

“Victoria,” a voice said, soft and caring. The softest she’d ever heard that voice before, even softer than that day on a street’s curb.

Her head shot up and she found her eyes meet 47’s own. She went to say his name but all that came out was a hoarse whisper.

Gently, 47 undid the binds on her legs, and then on her hands. Without giving him time to move, the teenaged girl wrapped her hands around him and threw her head into his chest, and began to sob.

“It’s okay,” 47 tried his best to reassure her, speaking into her hair. “You’re safe now.” Almost unsure of himself, he put his own arms around the girl as well, faintly feeling the marks under her shirt, lining her back. Thankfully, they didn’t feel too deep, and Victoria didn’t seem to mind too much at his hand placement.

It felt like hours they stood in that white room, Victoria’s sobs slowing little by little until eventually, they were gone altogether.

Gently, the man pulled her away from him, letting his hand wrap around her’s in solace. “Come on, we need to go.” She nods, following as he leads her to the door’s entrance.

“Carlton!” Victoria seemed to light up just a tad bit more when she saw Smith standing alone by the car. She sprinted to him and hugged him, though notably not as desperate or as hard as to when she held onto 47.

“I missed you, too, Victoria,” Smith patted the girl on the head, taken aback by the hug. The look on his face would’ve been humorous to most people who walked by if they hadn’t had context as to what had been happening recently.

Victoria pulls back and seems to suddenly become aware of 47’s jacket around her shoulders. Removing the jacket, she hands it back to him. She felt so touched. Maybe he really did care about her, after all.


  • Unsurprisingly, Jade Nguyen and Jack Aegis are enforcers to 47 in most disguises.
  • This mission has two starting locations. The first is at the top of the mountain after exiting the gondola, in a public area that is somewhat difficult to infiltrate. The second is the back of the mountain at the helipad, which is a hostile area but slightly easier to infiltrate.
  • There is only one exit for this mission in story mode, the interrogation room, directly in front of Victoria.
  • If the player pays attention in the Post-Mission Cutscene or walks behind Victoria during the mission, they’ll find light blood stains under her shirt.
  • Once again, Smith is the only person announcing opportunities in the mission.
  • Of the two targets, only Aegis holds a weapon.
  • One opportunity is to reveal Victoria to the ICA Board of Directors, resulting in Jade being questioned before going to the helipad to question how the Board could’ve known about Victoria.
  • If the player enters combat with Aegis, he will say things about how he admires him and how he aspires to be like him one day.
  • If Jade’s lockdown spot is compromised, she will try to escape on one of the gondolas. Like in Hokkaido, it is possible to shoot the gondola down.
  • Just like every other mission in the game, Victoria cannot be killed or harmed or the mission fails.
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Mission 13
Title: Touchdown
Targets & Objectives:
Eliminate John Stubbs
Acquire John Stubbs’ mobile phone
Location: Texas, United States

Opening: 47’s eyes roamed over the file. Carlton Smith had been kind enough to lend 47 information on the target.

John Stubbs.

Faba’s contacts on his phone had led 47 to him. It was the only contact, actually, that he could decrypt. Faba had been especially careful when it came to hiding information he wanted nobody to find, 47 had come to realize.

What 47 had found by going over the files was that Stubbs had run in the same circles as Scott Sarno, Gary Lunn, and Walter Menard.

Unlike the CICADA mercenaries, Stubbs was retired, living a life of luxury with his wife.

And yet, that’s where the irregularities begin.

Stubbs had been a mercenary, much like Sarno, Lunn, and Menard, though given his early retirement, it was a wonder where he got all that extra money from. Mercenary work wasn’t all that expensive…

The veteran and his wife had been since traveling the world and their next and current stop was Arlington, Texas. To watch a game in the next season of National Football League.

In all honesty, it doesn’t matter to 47 where Stubbs got all that money from. What matters to him is that he figures out how the man was involved in Diana’s death. If he’d been the client, or had some other role.

Smith had gone radio silent, too. After the last pieces of information about John Stubbs had been given, he’d been quiet. 47 suspected that it had something to do with Faba and Maison’s demise.

That, or he’d been caught handing over information.

47 had been sure to mention none of this to Victoria. She’d be worried for him. And perhaps even inspire her to help him eliminate someone who likely had a part in Diana’s assassination.

That was something that couldn’t happen.

As far as Victoria knew, they’d been jumping from place to place to avoid bounty hunters or the ICA finding them.

47 shut the file and put it in the glove compartment.

He needed to eliminate the target, and take his phone. 47 needed all the leads he could get on who ordered Diana’s hit.

Post-Mission Cutscene:
47 gently prodded the door open with his hand, putting his lockpick in his pocket.

Stepping inside, he shut the door neatly behind him, gazing over the tidied hotel room.

John Stubbs and Diane Stubbs checked out hours ago, and given that the former was dead, the latter likely wouldn’t be back for a while longer.

The hotel room had been built for its luxury guests. The bedroom off to the left, and the bathroom to the right.

Twisting on his foot, 47 stepped into the bedroom, closing the door, and moving towards a desk in the corner, a laptop lying innocently atop it.

In one swift motion, 47 opened the laptop, the screen lighting up and, after a few seconds, opening to the home page.

Seemed that Stubbs had forgotten to shut it off before leaving.

47 deftly clicked through the laptop’s files, scanning over each one for any pertinent information.

There weren’t many, just photos of him and his wife in files listed by location. London, New York, Bangkok, Venice, just to name a few.

Quebec, 47 eventually clicked, scrolling past pictures of the happy couple.

He stopped suddenly, coming to the one file within the folder that wasn’t a picture. Opening it, he scanned over the documents.

Reports on a militaristic cell, and it appeared Stubbs was acting as an adviser of some kind to Maya Parvati, only described as being ‘the lead coordinator’.

The sound of keys echoed through the hotel room, but 47 only spared the sound a glance.

At the end of the documents was an internet satellite image of a farm slightly north of Quebec.

The front door opened and 47 shut the tabs, closing the computer as footsteps echoed closer and closer to the bedroom.

Pressing himself to the wall next to the door, he crouched down as it was opened.

Diane Stubbs burst in, sniffling, and her steps quick. Almost as soon as she’d passed the threshold, she threw herself into the bed and began sobbing into the pillow.

She didn’t notice as the man who killed her husband padded out of the hotel room.

To find Victoria skipping down the sidewalk after a day at school wasn’t an unusual sight. The novelty of being free for the first time in her life had yet to wear off.

Even if the hotel on the edge of town she and 47 were booked in was extremely shady.

As she reached the front door of the hotel, she double-checked her backpack. Despite being enrolled in a public school, she wore a school uniform that screamed ‘rich private school girl’. It didn’t hurt to be careful.

So she stepped inside, taking in the slightly rundown hotel interior that had become her home for the last week and a half.

The hotel manager was working the front desk. He’d been kind to her, if slightly intimidated by 47. He was an elderly man who’d told Victoria to call him ‘Bill’ when she’d started making conversation with him.

“How was your day?” Bill asked now, a smile slipping onto his face as Victoria walked up.

“Great!” Victoria chirped. When she started making conversation with him for the first time, he seemed surprised. He might be lonely.

Bill chuckled, giving Victoria a warm smile. “You know, you must be the only girl your age to be excited to go to school.”

Victoria paused, and answered carefully. “But it’d be so boring otherwise,” she dropped her head on the desk dramatically.

Bill’s smile dimmed slightly. “That’s what I told my daughter. She didn’t appreciate it very much.”

Victoria practically jumped. “You have a daughter?” she asked excitedly.

Bill smiled sadly. “Oh yes, but she hasn’t talked to me in years.”

“Oh,” Victoria deflated. No new friends, then.

Bill seemed to read her mind, though, and he smiled warmly once again. “I’m sure this old man is just a bore to talk with,” he said. “Why don’t you go with your friends after school?”

Victoria dropped her head on the desk again, playing with the pens in the holder. “I don’t have any friends,” she said quietly.

Bill’s heart ached for the young girl. “Oh, I’m sure that’s not true.”

“It is,” Victoria said firmly, and Bill decided to drop the subject.

Clearing his throat, he asked a question that had been on his mind for a while.

“What does your father do, exactly, if you don’t mind my asking?” The man seemed to disappear for large periods of time, but then surprises him when he returns, Bill having not realized that he’d left at all. You’d think he’d notice something like that, with a hotel always so empty.

Victoria paused, then said, “He’s retired. But he used to work in the retirement industry.”

“Oh, that must be nice,” he said slightly whimsically.

Victoria nodded, still playing with the pens. “But…” she trailed off, a quirk to her lips, “He’s not really my father…” She locked eyes with Bill, “He’s my lover.”

Bill’s eyes widened and his mouth opened minutely, and almost dropped the coffee he’d picked up into his lap.

When Bill didn’t say anything, Victoria stepped away from the desk, “See you tomorrow, Bill!” Leaving a horrified and flabbergasted manager behind.


  • The Post-Mission Cutscene is a reference to Léon: The Professional.
  • One opportunity to eliminate John Stubbs involves sabotaging a sliding glass door, and then slamming it shut on Stubbs as he’s walking through.
  • The end of one opportunity allows the player to push Stubbs through a glass window, where he falls onto a car below.
  • 47 is the only one that narrates opportunities.
  • The map is a football stadium, and the exits are the stadium’s exits and entrances.
  • The player can bring weapons with them, but it is difficult to get into the stadium itself with said weapons.
  • John Stubbs occasionally gets phone calls from someone called ‘Alice’.
  • It becomes clear upon listening to dialogue that Diane Stubbs, John Stubbs’ wife, has no idea of the things John Stubbs did in the past, or his involvement with Mark Faba.
  • The player can get pieces of information of what happened when Stubbs was a mercenary and was a part of SIGMA. It is suggested that Stubbs feels some remorse for his actions and plans on writing a book dictating those events.
  • While the timeouts happen, Stubbs goes somewhere private to talk about Scott Sarno, Gary Lunn, Walter Menard, and two others named Patrick Morgan and Taheiji Koyama on a recording device.
  • After hearing about the deaths of Scott Sarno, Gary Lunn, and Walter Menard, Stubbs hired a bodyguard for himself and his wife.
  • Blake Dexter makes a cameo appearance.
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Léon: the Professional reference?

It was! I mentioned that in the notes


Mission 14
Title: Into the Lion’s Den
Targets & Objectives:
Eliminate Maya Parvati
Infiltrate the bunker
Location: Quebec, Canada

Opening: Walking into the motel reception was like walking into a movie from the sixties that Victoria recently watched. She liked it. It felt…homely.

“Bonsoir!” the man at the reception smiled. Already, he reminded Victoria of a younger, if slightly overweight, Bill. It was obvious that her and 47 were the only ones here.

“Welcome to the Au Revoir Inn!” He flipped the guest book around and, just like Victoria predicted, was completely empty. “Would you like to register, sir?” he asked 47.

“Robert Borden,” 47 replied, tossing a hundred-dollar note on the desk.

“Oh,” the receptionist was taken aback, as if he’d never seen that much money in one place before. “Er, right this way, Mr. Borden,” he looked at Victoria, “Ms. Borden.”

“That’s Mrs. Borden, sir,” Victoria ‘corrected’ with a sweet grin.

The receptionist gaped like a fish for a moment before deciding that Victoria was simply older than she looked.

47, on the other hand, suspected that this was Victoria’s way of getting back at him for not telling her about John Stubbs.

When they reached the room and the receptionist opened the door, he began again, “Continental breakfast is from seven to nine in the lounge,” he began as 47 and Victoria examined the room.

“Happy hour is from five to eight in the lounge. Caribou is…” he trailed off as 47 stared at him.

“Thank you,” 47 said flatly, closing the door in front of the receptionist, who hadn’t even noticed he’d been edging out of the room.

Victoria flopped backwards onto one of the beds. Swallowing, she asks, “W-who are our next targets?”

“My next target,” 47 corrects, “You’re staying here.”

“What?” Victoria looks across the room at him. “You promised you’d train me!”

“I promised I’d protect you,” 47 corrects again. “You’ve taken a life. How did it feel?”

Victoria sits up, curling her legs into her chest and wrapping her arms around her knees, hugging herself.

The silence stretches between them.

“It made me feel like the world was spinning,” Victoria begins at last, “And I’m scrambling for traction.” She drops her head on her knees. “Travis was right, wasn’t he? I - I was created to kill and hurt people. Maybe…” she sniffs faintly, “Maybe you should’ve left me with him.”

The silence returns in full force, the only noise coming from Victoria’s sniffling.

“Diana didn’t give up on you,” 47 says. Awkwardly, he puts a hand on her shoulder. “I won’t give up on you.” He lingers for a moment longer, unsure what to say, before heading over to the door.

Victoria still has her head on her knees when she hears the sound of a bag sliding across the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees her travel bag stop on the ground next to her bed. She glances at 47.

“I’ll be back shortly,” is all he says, before promptly leaving, shutting the door behind him.

Victoria unfurls herself slowly, getting off the bed, and dropping to her knees in front of the bag. Opening it, she moves some clothes aside to find a small assortment of movies to watch. She’d forgotten all about them. Going to the local stores, Victoria had picked out some movies to - well - for 47 to buy.

She smiles, reaches in, and plucks a movie out.

Mid-Mission Cutscene:
The room wasn’t exactly as 47 expected. It was neat and tidy, looking very much like a small office. Wood paneling lined the walls, and a carpet sat on the floor in the middle of the room. It hadn’t been touched very often, judging from the thin layer of dust.

The thing that caught 47’s eye, though, was the man sitting in the chair at the desk, facing away from him so that the back of his head faced 47.

“I was wondering when you would show up,” the man said, a notable British accent in his voice. “I’d started to worry you wouldn’t come.”

The chair spun around and there he was, a man that 47 was sure he’d killed. Alive and well, his fingers steepled.

“Mark Faba,” 47 replied, his Silverballer pointing at the man within seconds. If he was surprised at all, he didn’t show it. “You’re alive” he said, like making an observation.

“Agent 47,” is Faba’s response, “I must admit, you’ve not disappointed.” He stands up, fingers still steepled, and no apparent worry for a pistol being pointed at him.

“I hope you don’t mind my vanishing act in Vilnius,” Faba says, picking up the fountain pen that had been laying on the desk. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“You assassinated Diana Burnwood. Who was your client?” 47 cut right to the chase.

“Client?” Faba asked, looking amused. “Oh, it was just Alice, Owen, David, and I,” he folds his hands behind his back, “I had to get your attention somehow.”

“Explain. Now,” 47 didn’t bark it as a command, his composure uncracked, but it was as close as he would ever get to it.

Faba walked over to the wall to look at a painting, the pen in his hand appearing to be momentarily forgotten.

“This one might be my best work yet,” Faba said, and then looked back at 47. “I know all their tricks. The ICA.” He left the wall, returning to the desk. “They never did send their best.”

47 doesn’t say anything.

“When I found out you’d disappeared, I was quite disheartened,” Faba continued. It almost looked like he was enjoying this.

“There’s a funny thing about fifteen year-old secrets,” Faba suddenly switched topics. He sat on the edge of the desk, placing the pen down at his side. "They’re bound to come out eventually.

“Benjamin Travis’s pet project was a remarkable thing.”

47’s eyes finally narrow, but his grip on his Silverballer doesn’t loosen.

“It helps to have such staunch friends. Perhaps you’ve heard of them?” Faba asked, almost imperceptibly leaning forward. “Owen Wagner, David Schneck? Alice Thorne?” 47, as usual, makes no motion for reply. "No? I feared that might be the case.

“Your handler, Diana Burnwood, did you ever deliberate about where Victoria came from?”

47, once again, says nothing, but there is a barely noticeable curl of his lips of what could probably be antipathy.

“It was easy to leak it to Diana Burnwood. I think it might’ve been even easier to leak it back to Benjamin Travis.”

“Why?” 47 asked, the only question he’d voiced since Faba began.

Faba smiled slightly. “To get to you, of course,” he took the pen in both his hands. “To be entirely honest with you, the guards were told to expect you. I suspect they’re outside the door as we speak.”

47 made no move of even glancing at the door behind him.

“I couldn’t have let Maya in on my intentions, unfortunately, that had been essential.”

“Why?” 47 asked again, finger tightening ever so slowly around the trigger.

“Why? For the most basic instincts of them all. To kill or be killed,” and with that, Faba lunged towards 47, surprisingly spry for a man of his age.

47 fired but Faba anticipated the shot, dodging out of the way.

Faba raised the pen in his hand and brought it down towards 47’s head, his arm being swiftly blocked by the expert assassin in return.

The fight didn’t last very long. 47 pushed Faba back, and reached towards the floor where Faba had knocked his Silverballer to.

Faba, leaning against the edge of the desk, brought the pen up closer to his chest, twisted the nib once, twice, thrice, before throwing it at 47’s feet.

As the pen fell in front of 47, every part of his instincts told him to move out of the way. So, doing exactly that, he jumped to the side of the small room.

Faba, on the other hand, pressed a button on the underside of the desk, and disappeared from sight, falling through a trapdoor.

The pen exploded, destroying the door, wall, and sending small pieces of debris in every direction, tearing through the desk that Faba had just been behind.

“Where is he!?” 47 heard a guard shout. Using the cover of the rising dust, 47 presses himself to the side of debris.

Post-Mission Cutscene:
Victoria was halfway through watching her third movie when 47 returned, the sound of a key in a lock alerting her to his return.

He entered and at first glance, he looked just like she expected. No injuries or anything. Until she noticed the hastily wrapped bandages around his hand.

“47!” Victoria exclaimed, jumping off her spot on the bed, completely forgetting about the movie. “What happened!?”

47 didn’t say anything for a moment, closing the door and dropping to a kneel to pull his briefcase out from under the bed.

“It was a trap,” he said, at last.

Victoria dropped down beside him. She didn’t know how to help treat injuries, but she thought that her helping would be better than no help at all.

“What do you remember before Diana took you in?” 47 asked, taking the bandage off his hand.

Victoria leans back on her knees. “I… Why?”

“There’s something we keep dancing around,” 47 replied neutrally. “You’re a clone.”

Victoria doesn’t say anything for a long moment. She pulls her knees up and looks down at the floor. “I know,” she says, quietly; almost a whisper.

In a rare moment of compassion, 47 says, “That doesn’t make you any less human.”

Victoria smiles.

47 finishes with his hand, putting the supplies back in the briefcase. “Mark Faba planned this.”

“Faba?” Victoria stares at 47. “B-but you k-killed him.”

47 doesn’t say anything to that. Instead, he stands up, and Victoria copies the action.

“Faba found out about you,” Victoria stiffened, “He exposed you to Diana, it’s how she knew about you.”

Victoria hugs herself, eyes watering.

“Then, when you thought you were safe, Faba disclosed you and Diana back to Travis.”

Victoria sat down on the edge of her bed.

“Faba knew Diana would come to me. He wanted to draw me out into the open.” A small pause. “And he killed Diana because he knew I’d go after him.”

“This is all about you, then,” Victoria snapped before instantly regretting it. “Sorry.”

Victoria dropped her head forwards. “I thought Travis was the author of all my pain, but…it’s Faba, isn’t it?”

Victoria looked back up at 47, her eyes blazing. “I want to be the one to do it. I want to kill Faba.”

“But you won’t,” 47’s blue eyes pierced Victoria’s green ones.


  • At every entrance into the farm, including mastery starting locations, people wonder about what Maya Parvati is keeping in her bunker under the house. The ‘Infiltrate the bunker’ objective only appears then.
  • The ‘Infiltrate the bunker’ objective can only be completed after Maya Parvati is eliminated.
  • Richard M. Foreman appears in this mission and seems to be practicing his mannerisms and the like for an upcoming operation.
  • There are hints throughout this mission that the guards are waiting for something to happen, and a few mention a ‘signal’ they’re supposed to be waiting for.
  • That said, all of those conversations are dropped whenever Maya Parvati is nearby.
  • Similarly to Chongqing in HITMAN story mode, after the ‘Infiltrate the bunker’ objective is completed, the player has to make it to the exit in less than ideal circumstances.
  • The office in the bunker is mentioned to, at one point, belong to one Sean Rose, before Maya Parvati took over the Quebec mercenary cell.
  • The so-called militia can be described better as a militia-for-hire type of organization.
  • Some people mention that Sean Rose and Maya Parvati do not get along very well.
  • Maya Parvati might be the one in charge of the Quebec cell, but Sean Rose is one of the two people in charge of the militia-for-hire, alongside Alma Reynard.


Mission 15
Title: Force Majeure
Targets & Objectives:
Identify and Abduct Alice Thorne
Identify and Eliminate Owen ‘Protagonist’ Wagner
Identify and Eliminate David ‘Whitecap’ Schneck
Location: Hope, Australia

Opening: The figure on the screen opened fire on the police cars. Bullets rattled off the hood and windscreen, and they veered off the road.

On the other side of the screen, Carlton Smith smiled as he directed his character with a controller at a different cop car. Glancing at the mirror he’d set up to point at anyone who’d come up behind him, he spotted that one of his colleagues was indeed coming up the aisle.

Switching his monitors from the game to his actual work, Carlton quickly deposited his controller in the open drawer he’d left open, and shut it just as fast.

“Mr. Smith,” she said with a slight smile.

“I’d rather you’d call me Carlton. We’re partners now, after all.”

She smiled a bit more. “Penelope, then.” She gestured towards his monitors. “I see that you’ve brought yourself up to speed.”

Carlton gave a nod. He was a little out of his depth, he would have to admit. He was much more used to field work, but he could understand why he’d been demoted.

Well, it seemed like a demotion, anyway. It wasn’t; not officially. Even though Faba was gone, Guillaume Maison was a loss that hit some people hard.

And so, here he was. Working as Penelope Graves’ new partner in finding and bringing in the terrorist, Sean Rose.

“Any thoughts? Or questions?” Graves asked.

“Can’t say I do,” Carlton said, then furrowed his brow at the unexpected sound of his phone going off. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID, which simply read ‘Unknown’.

“Mind if I take this?” Carlton asked his companion.

“Of course not!” Graves said, stepping away.

When she was gone, Carlton answered the phone. “Y’ello?”

“Mr. Smith,” said a voice he’d come to recognize.

Carlton jumped in his seat, and leaned forward into his desk, his voice dropping by a few octaves. “47?” he whispered.

“I need a favor,” 47 said from the other end, and Carlton got the sudden sense of whiplash.

Carlton stumbled over his words for a moment. He looked back to see if anyone was watching him, then turned his attention back towards his monitors.

“I can do something,” then he faltered. “You’re not…planning on assassinating the president, are you?”

“I need you to find one of Mark Faba’s associates. Alice Thorne.”

If Carlton noticed the slight present tense in 47’s wording, he didn’t say anything.

Grabbing a sticky note from his drawer, Carlton wrote down the name ‘Alice Thorn’, followed by a re-spelling, ‘Alice Thorne’.

“Trace the last call this number has made,” 47 continued. When he finished listing the number, Carlton put it into his computer.

“I hope you know I could probably go to jail for this,” Carlton said, hesitating with his finger over the ‘Enter’ key.

47 doesn’t respond.

Every moment of 47 helping him in the past flew through his head, followed by his bonding with Victoria.

With a mental ‘Fuck it.’, Carlton clicked the ‘Enter’ key, and waited.

A minute passed in relative silence. Carlton made casual glances behind him just to make sure no one was watching.

Eventually, Carlton asked, “How’s Victoria?”

“Fine,” 47 answered. Carlton nodded to himself, pulling his lips inward.

A pause.

“You don’t have to do this, you know,” Calrton said at a more leveled volume. “The world of assassination, it doesn’t have to be Victoria’s world.”

There is a long stretch of silence and Carlton worries that the call was disconnected before he hears a, “Thank you,” from the other end, taking Carlton aback.

Before Carlton can say anything, his computer makes a sound, alerting him to its task completion.

“Alright,” Calrton lowers his voice again, “The last call from Faba’s phone landed in Hope, Australia. That’s probably your girl,” Carlton closes the screen. “Guess I’ll see you around.”

“We’ll see,” is all 47 says as a response, and then hangs up.

A bus pulled up to a stop and the doors opened. Two pairs of feet stepped onto the pavement, and the bus shut its door, and drove off.

47, however, pays no mind to the vacating bus, instead scanning over the small town of Hope.

“So…” Victoria shuffles her travel bag from hand to hand. “This is where Faba is?” Victoria asks in a tone of attempted nonchalance.

“No,” 47 says, stepping forward and into the town. Victoria is quick to follow. “One of Faba’s associates is here.”

When he doesn’t elaborate, Victoria asks in a whispered voice, “How does k-killing her help us find Faba?”

“It won’t,” 47 responds, “Grabbing her is the priority. But if she’s here, then so will be Owen Wagner and David Schneck.”

“Who are they?”

“My targets.”

Post-Mission Cutscene:
Jordan brought the glass of wine to his lips and tilted his head back, its sweet taste flowing down his throat.

“If people didn’t know who you were then, they do now,” Hannah smiled, twirling her wine in her glass. One of Jordan’s arms was wrapped around her shoulder.

Heidi leaned forward, a smile on her ruby red lips, “Good start to the new year, Jordan?”

As Jordan put his glass down, a smile curled onto his face. “We fucking did it! We started at the bottom and made it to the top.”

“Don’t get so cocky, Jordan,” Quentin said, adjusting his beanie. “Getting the name out there was just one hurdle, you know.”

Jordan’s smile faded slightly. “Yeah… Yeah, I know. Just wanted to celebrate.”

“So celebrate, you pain in the arse!” Hannah exclaimed, and Jordan’s smile was back. “I reckon you’re gonna get a call soon,” she put on a sly mask, and the other three stared at her.

“Call?” Jordan asked with a hint of excitement.

Hannah hummed. “A little someone who you’ve been trying to get the attention of.”

“Dexy Barat?” Quentin asked, looking at Jordan with wide eyes.

Hannah squeezed her lips and looked from side to side, shrugging her shoulders innocently. “Maybe…”

Heidi falls back in her seat, flabbergasted.

“No way,” Jordan shaked his head, “You did that?”

“Took some convincing, but after that performance of yours…” Hannah trailed off, smiling down at her and Jordan’s connected hands.

Jordan looked back at Heidi and Quentin. “You don’t look so worried about becoming a celebrity, Quentin.”

“Oh, I never worry,” Quentin crossed his legs and pointed at his eyes, “Causes wrinkles.”

Heidi breaks from her flabbergasted state and laughs. She looked over at the television. “Thirty seconds to midnight.”

The two other members of the Class, and Hannah Highmore, look over at the restaurant television.

“Anyone want to say some words to lead us out of this year?” Hannah asked, looking mischievously from Jordan, Heidi, and Quentin.

Both Quentin and Heidi turn their gazes to Jordan. “Go on, Mr. Songwriter,” Heidi mocked playfully.

Jordan faked an exasperated sigh, and stood up, taking his wine glass with him.

“How about a toast to my dad, huh?” Jordan asked, and as soon as the words left his mouth, Heidi and Quentin glanced at each other. “If there was anything he did for his prodigal son, it was sleeping in his coffin while I made a name for myself.” He raised his glass. “To Thomas Cross for-”

“Jordan,” Hannah gripped her boyfriend’s hand, gently tugging him back down into his seat.

“Sorry,” Jordan apologized, “It’s just-”

“I know,” Hannah tapped his hand.

Quentin looked back at the television. He tapped Heidi with his foot and started to count down with her.

At last, the countdown hit zero and Heidi, Quentin, and Hannah cheered, “Happy New Year!” in their little corner of the restaurant, but not loud enough to bother anyone.

Only, as soon as the words came to an end, an explosion echoed throughout Time’s Square.

The group looked at the television and saw, where the New York Ball once was now the remnants of a destroyed stage, dead bodies lying both on the street or the platform.

“What the fuck?” Heidi stood up, her chair scraping against the wooden floor.

Quentin, Hannah, and Jordan just stared at the television, almost uncomprehending of the images on the screen.

“We…” Jordan swallowed, his throat dry, “We need to go.” He grabbed Hannah’s hand, and they hurried out the door.

Quentin was quick to follow Jordan, though Heidi swiftly threw her guitar bag around her shoulder, and ran after them, following her friends into the panicking crowd outside the restaurant door.

“Hannah!” Heidi shouted, crowd members pushing against her in a run. “Jordan!”

She didn’t know where her friends had disappeared to. Somewhere ahead of her, Hannah held Jordan’s hand in a tight grasp as they ran with the crowd. If there was a second explosion, nobody wanted to get caught in it.

“Oh, fuck!” Hannah cursed, her grip on Jordan’s hand vanishing in one sudden moment. Her voice was lost in a crowd of yells and cries, and Jordan only barely heard it.

Hannah fell to the pavement, her heel snapped. She hadn’t been expecting to run.

She had no time to dwell on that, though, instead forced to focus on the searing pain that exploded throughout her body as the crowd ran over her, feet stamped into her body as they hurried.

“Han?” Jordan called, stopping his run to look behind him. A maneuver that proved difficult with the wave of panicking people.

Hannah screamed in pain, but the people didn’t seem to let up. Over and over, people stepped over her. Someone stepped on her head, forcing her into the ground. She whimpered as she felt her nose break under the pressure.

“Hannah!” Jordan yelled out, trying to stand still while the wave pushed him backwards.

Someone stepped on Hannah’s neck, and she abruptly found it hard to breathe. She choked out Jordan’s name one more time, before she fell still.

“They’re ready for your appearance, Mr. Argus.”

The man’s voice came out slightly statically from through the microphones. Through the cameras, the person watching them could see that the man, a guard, had walked up behind his employer.

Bartholomew Argus heaved something that sounded a bit between a scoff and a sigh. He pressed the pause button on the game he’d been playing.

“Out in the open like that, yeah?” Argus asked. He looked at his agent, who’d been sitting next to him. “You said it’d be television only. That they’d wheel in some camera or something.”

Argus rested his controller on the table. “I’m not goin’ out there. It’s the perfect way for Stoakes to make his move.”

“You said you and Stoakes were like brothers, what makes you think he’d hurt you?” Argus’s agent asked. “Besides, he can’t go anywhere. Not under the, uh, scrutiny.”

Argus stared at his agent. “I know Stoakes. He ain’t one to just let things go. Especially not ones that fuck up with his life.”

Despite his words, his agent didn’t seem all that worried. “Mate, are you listening to yourself? You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

The man watching the scene play out turned down the volume slightly. Morgan had just walked in. He looked rather odd without his usual outfit.

“Mr. Faba,” Morgan said, standing just behind his…patron.

“Morgan, you’re right on time,” Mark Faba replied without looking at him, steepling his fingers in front of him.

Patrick Morgan glanced around the room. Faba had set up a temporary base in the basement of one of the local stores on the outskirts of Time Square. On one screen was camera footage of Bartholomew Argus. On the other was the New Year’s countdown.

“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting such a public…engagement.”

“I quite prefer public consultations.” Faba stood up, taking his phone from off the table. He gazed at the television for a moment, and then looked at Morgan.

“These are some of my favorite occasions,” Faba said, circling his chair. “The calm before the storm.” He laid one hand down on the back of the chair, his other folding behind his back. “It screams how much can turn around in an instant,” he said, twirling his finger in a circle for emphasis.

Morgan didn’t know exactly what to say to that, so, instead he said, “Argus doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to go anywhere.”

“Oh, I certainly hope not,” Faba remarked, “I was sort of betting on that, you see.” He nods to the television featuring the countdown. “Here it comes.”

The countdown hits zero and, for a moment, nothing happens. But very quickly, the ball shatters, setting the stage next to it aflame. The news reporter has to duck from the force of the blast.

Morgan’s eyes rove the screen. He wasn’t entirely privy to Faba’s plans, but he wasn’t exactly expecting this.

“It’s a shame I couldn’t be there in person,” Faba said. Morgan nods in agreement.

On the other screen, Argus and his agent seemed completely unaware of what was happening just a short time away. One guard touched his hand to his ear piece.

“Mr. Argus-” the guard began, stopping abruptly as his head jerked forward, and his body collapsed.

The two other guards in the room raised their own weapons, as well, but neither of them landed a shot before they, too, went down.

The agent and Argus stood up, backing up towards the door behind them in spite of the dead guards lying at their feet.

Three men entered the room. The two on either side of the third one wore the same clothing with a hockey mask, and their outfits seemed to be based off of the third one.

“Oh, there you are, Barty!” The man laughed, his words coming out in a slight Southern drawl. “We’ve been lookin’ all over for you.”

“Stoakes hired you, didn’t he?” Argus asked, fear creeping into his tone. “Whatever he’s paying you, I’ll double it.”

“And undo all this hard work?” the man asked, bending down to look at one of the guards, who’d fallen down in a sitting position.

“Who are-” the agent started, interrupted by the assailant firing a bullet into his knee. The agent fell against the wall with a scream, breathing heavily as he looked uncomprehendingly at his knee.

“Hey, the grownups are talkin’ here, limp-dick.”

Argus bolted for the door, bursting through into the next room and breaking into a run towards the elevator.

“Oh!” the man shouted gleefully. “I love it when they fight back!”

Pressing his finger over and over to the elevator button, Argus only took brief looks back towards the man, hoping against hope that the man, for whatever reason, wouldn’t come through the door.

After what felt like hours, but in reality was only seven seconds, the door opened and Argus threw himself in. As the door closed, he saw the man come through from the other side of the room, dragging Argus’s agent behind him by the collar.

“Where you think you’re goin’, tough guy?” the man shouted, firing off a single shot just as the door clicked shut and began moving.

The only sound that permeated the small room was Argus’s heavy breathing.

He didn’t know that, from the other side of the camera, Faba had opened his phone.

“That was…unexpected,” Morgan commented.

“I imagine our friend here feels the same,” Faba replied, finger gliding over his phone.

“Woah…what the fuck?” Argus fell back against the elevator wall. It had passed the prearranged lockdown room. Up and up the elevator went.

“I’ve always felt a bit like a music composer,” Faba said, though he spared no glance at Morgan. “Orchestrating all these little things.”

Argus pressed a button, but it had no effect. Regardless, he continued to press it, wiping one hand across his precipitated face, his breath coming out in quick, panicked huffs.

“My most joyous moment is when it all comes together, into a culmination of them all,” Faba started.

“Stop! Fucking stop!” Argus yelled. And, to his relief, it did indeed stop.

Argus sucked in a breath, putting one hand against the wall. When nothing happened, the air left his mouth in what sounded like a short laugh.

“The crescendo,” Faba finished, pressing another button on his phone.

A creaking noise echoed all around the elevator shaft, and Argus stilled.

For a moment, nothing happened.

Then, all at once, the elevator was falling.

Argus screamed, but there was nothing he could do.

Just as quick as it had started, it ended.

The elevator crashed into the bottom of the shaft, debris flinging in every direction it could.


  • This is the second and final mission in the game where the targets don’t appear in instinct and need to be found and identified before being marked.
  • Alice Thorne is based in a building that is fronted as an escape room. She doesn’t travel far from the building.
  • Something the player will find out about Alice Thorne is that she is easily paranoid. For one, she has a guard that will follow her around, posed as a civilian. For another, if Alice’s lockdown location is compromised, she will attempt to flee with her car.
  • In order to abduct Alice, the player must knock her out and hide her body in the trunk of a car. Any car on the map fits the bill, in this case. However, the trunks can only be opened if the player has the car keys, or a lockpick.
  • One easier way to spot Alice is to find a woman with a limp. She is forced to wear a leg brace for unspecified reasons.
  • The country club owner is an associate of Mark Faba, though it is unclear if he is being blackmailed or doing so of his free will.
  • Owen Wagner primarily stays inside the local Hope country club, but avoids any kind of sport related activities.
  • On one of the upper floors in a restricted area are computers and servers set up for Wagner and his partner to quickly hack into things.
  • Construction is going on on the eastern wing of the country club after someone set off fireworks to celebrate New Year’s early. One opportunity lures Wagner out there and can result in the player killing him.
  • More food has arrived at the country club, which includes Wagner’s favorite jam. The player can use this to their advantage.
  • Wagner frequently accosts the country club owner to see if his favorite jam has been unloaded.
  • Wagner has a bit of a droopy right eye.
  • David Schneck likes to stay in and around country club and is especially fond of playing games of golf.
  • Schneck sometimes brings out a tablet to use, and talks technobabble to his bodyguard, who has no idea what he’s talking about.
  • There is a hedge maze on the country club grounds that Schneck could be lured into.
  • This mission takes place during the morning of New Year’s Eve.
  • Victoria hangs out around the local playground during the mission. Sitting on the bench in the playground is the only exit during story mode.
  • In the Post-Mission Cutscene, the assassin that went after Bartholomew Argus was hired by Mark Faba as part of his own convoluted plan to kill Argus. That said, while the assassin’s name is never said, his name is Edward Wade.
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Mission 16
Title: End of the Road
Targets & Objectives:
[OPTIONAL] Eliminate Alice Thorne
Location: The Outback, Australia

Opening: A shovel slammed into the desert soil of the already knee-deep hole. Alice lifted it back up and dumped the dirt in a pile with a pant, wiping sweat from her brow.

“Where is Mark Faba?” 47 asked calmly, bringing an apple to his mouth to take a bite.

Alice scoffed, sounding rather odd coming from her dry throat. She cleared her throat, but it still hadn’t had the desired effect. “Mark will kill me if I told you.”

47 examined the apple in his hand. “I’ll kill you if you don’t.”

Alice shoved the shovel back into the soil with all her might, which wasn’t much, but it made Victoria wince.

She attempted a different tactic, looking to Victoria instead. “Mark just pays me, I know nothing about where he is now, I swear.”

Victoria looked doubtful. She looked away and crossed her arms.

“Last time,” 47 said, his voice never wavering. “Where is Faba?”

Alice leaned over the shovel for a moment, breathing deeply, trying to keep her fear and anger inside, but it had already boiled too close to the surface to stop.

She let out a scream, though it wasn’t very loud, and came out raspy. She dug her nails into the shovel.

“Don’t. Stop,” 47 said, the word ‘digging’ went unsaid.

Alice glared from the corner of her eye, but otherwise didn’t turn to look at her captor.

After a moment, she said, “He told me he was heading to England.”

47 didn’t tear his gaze off her. “Where do I find him?” he asked, coldly.

Alice pulled the shovel from the ground, resting it uneasily in her hands. “There’s some kind of party, or soirée, or something, I don’t…know,” she said, clearing her throat more than once. She didn’t know that the sound of someone eating an apple to be so…menacing.

“Buckingham Palace, he said. I thought he was insane,” Alice threw another pile of dirt off to the side. “Alright?” she dropped all presence of composure, pleading, begging to be let go.

47 took one last bite, and tossed the unfinished apple away. Alice eyed it but didn’t dare take a step out of the hole.

“Alright, you can stop digging,” 47 said the words she’d been hoping to hear, she could almost sigh in relief.

Alice dropped the shovel, bending her good knee to rest her arms. “Can I get out of this hole, now?” she desperately asked.

Post-Mission Cutscene:
Victoria sat down on a bench in the London Tube. She pulled her backpack up to her chest, swinging her legs back and forth.

She’d only been on trains a number of times, but since 47 and she landed in London, she started to use the Tube almost every day since enrolling in a local school.

Despite her school just getting out, Victoria was the only one that took the Tube today. It was eerily empty, actually.

She couldn’t tell if that was a blessing, in all honesty.

In her short experience in London, and especially in the Tube, there seemed to be some unspoken rules. Do not talk to strangers, do not make eye contact, and do not smile at anyone.

Victoria tried her best to follow those unofficial rules, but she couldn’t help feeling out of place.

“Mr. Faba,” a slightly muffled voice said, and Victoria perked up.

Two people walked past the door to the carriage she’d chosen. One was an older man, and the other a bit plain looking.

She didn’t pay attention to what was said beyond the name. Faba. He was here.

The doors shut right as Victoria stood up. The train started moving and she stumbled but caught herself.

Mark Faba. Here.

She could scarcely believe it. What were the chances?

She walked over to the door into the next carriage, looking through the window into the next room.

It was empty.

He got on, surely.

Victoria opened the concealed compartment in her backpack and pulled out the Silverballer 47 had given her.

She thought it was a risk bringing a gun into a school, but 47 pointed out a pocket in her backpack she hadn’t even known was there.

Victoria forcefully pushed those thoughts from her mind and entered the carriage, her backpack in one hand, and the Silverballer in the other.

She stepped further and further into the room, eyes swinging left and right.

For a brief second it crossed her mind that this wasn’t even Mark Faba at all; or he hadn’t even gotten on the train, either.


She whipped around, dropping her backpack in surprise. The person she went looking for was standing right there, in the corner.

Victoria internally kicked herself for getting tunnel vision so bad she hadn’t even checked the corners.

Mark Faba stepped out of the corner and into the middle of the carriage. He didn’t look like what Victoria expected.

They stood, face to face, her with a pistol shakily pointed at the man who hurt her the most. And he just calmly buttoned his suit jacket.

“You didn’t think this was fortuity, I hope,” he said, taking a step closer to Victoria.

“S-stop,” Victoria stuttered, reaffirming her shaky aim at him.

Faba goes on like Victoria hadn’t spoken at all, “How is Alice? I hadn’t been very forthcoming with my contingency plan.”

“Contingency plan?” Victoria repeated, whispered.

“Of course.” Faba took another step closer to Victoria. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

“You…” Victoria takes a breath. “You tore everything apart.”

Faba folds his hands behind his back. “But that’s what I feared the most, you know,” he said. “That you’d be boring,” he flicks his eyes to the Silverballer, “Just because you know how to use it doesn’t mean you can.”

Victoria puts her free hand on the one holding the gun in an attempt to steady her trembling hand. She realized, belatedly, how far Faba closed the distance between them.

Unsurely, almost timidly, Victoria says, “I’ve killed before,” trying to feign confidence.

“So you have,” Faba acknowledged. He bent over, pressing his forehead to the barrel of the pistol. “Can you do it again?”

Victoria stared, her eyes wide.

Travis’s training was emerging from the back of her mind, but she pushed it back. She took a life before, and it was the worst feeling she’d ever experienced.

She thought killing would get easier in time. That killing Faba would be easy. And here he was, at her mercy.

“You killed Diana,” Victoria whispered, a tear trailing down her cheek.

She curled her finger on the trigger… But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t take the life of another person. Not again.

Victoria took a step back, dropping the Silverballer to her side. Her eyes scanned rapidly for an exit. She quickly wiped her cheek with her sleeve.

She began to turn on her heel, only to fall to the ground the instant she started to move.

She felt the train coming to a stop, but Faba didn’t seem to be in a rush. Calmly, he picked up the Silverballer that she’d dropped, as well as her phone which had slipped out of her pocket. He pressed her finger to it, unlocking it.

“I’m a tad disappointed. I was expecting a little bit…more,” Faba commented. He flipped to the text messages and was quick to find who he was looking for. Victoria sent messages to him, but he never appeared to respond.

He typed in, ‘Im in trouble’, and sent it, followed by a message that just read, ‘Piccadilly circus’.

Victoria curled into a ball. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to 47, over and over.


  • Victoria is unsure if Alice should be killed, and thinks that 47 and her should just leave Alice there.
  • This is another mission not available in contracts mode, simply for the reason that Alice is the only NPC that can be targeted.
  • Killing Alice and dropping her body in the grave 47 forced her to dig completes a challenge.
  • There are two ways to fail this mission. The first is by killing Victoria, which instantly results in a failure. The second is by destroying the car, which is the only exit point on the map.
  • It is virtually impossible to not get Silent Assassin during this mission.
  • Alice can’t compromise 47, but she does beg and plead if she’s held at gunpoint.
  • Furthermore, Alice doesn’t react to distractions or finding a weapon on the ground.
  • This mission only has three levels of mastery.


Mission 17
Title: Absolution
Targets & Objectives:
Eliminate Mark Faba
Confirm the kill
Location: London, United Kingdom

Opening: 47 stepped into Piccadilly Circus, his eyes roving over passersby for Victoria and, instinctively, escape routes.

There was a group of teens running a game with a ball and three cups.

Tourists were buying shirts from a vendor, one with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

But there was no Victoria.

So perhaps someone caught up with them. And if they did, taking Victoria was probably the stupidest thing they could’ve done.

Footsteps sounded behind him, ones that were heavier than Victoria’s.

“I was wondering when you would show up,” Mark Faba stepped beside him, looking out onto the road. He held two plastic coffee cups in his hands. “You were faster than I anticipated.” He held out one of the cups. “Coffee?”

47 scowled at Faba, his posture relaxed in spite of him dipping his hands into his suit pockets.

Faba shook the cup a bit in his hand when 47 didn’t take it.

47 made no move for the cup Faba offered. “Where’s Victoria?”

Faba let out something akin to a sigh, and dropped the cup, the contents spilling into the street.

“She had a prior engagement.”

Faba takes a sip of his coffee.

“You didn’t treat Alice too badly, I hope? Victoria wasn’t too conversational.”

“What makes you think taking Victoria and doing…this, was your best course of action?” 47 asked in lieu of an answer.

Faba smiled as he brought his coffee to his lips again. “Because you can’t kill me,” he said, then took a sip. 47 looked at him again. “At least, not yet,” Faba continued.

Faba turned around so his back was facing the road. “You know what? Let’s try a small exercise. Suppose you could kill me, right now. How do you do it? What’s the plan?”

47 watches Faba closely, trailing his eyes up and down his body. It would be very easy to reach out and kill him right now. He’d wasted his chance in Quebec, and Faba had been kind enough to deliver himself on a silver platter, right to him.

But only Faba knew where Victoria was, and there lies the problem. He wouldn’t let something happen to Victoria without a fight. So, perhaps it was best to listen to what he had to say.

“We’re standing on the side of a busy intersection. Wait for a car to come. Push you into it as it passes,” 47 eventually said, impassively.

Faba grinned, making no effort to move from his position. "So you could. You’re strong enough. But they may not be driving fast enough, or they could stop altogether.

“What else?” Faba asked, looking like he was positively enjoying this.

47 didn’t bother taking a second look around.

“Kick your legs from under you. Crack your head against the pavement. You’ll bleed out by the time an ambulance arrives. Terrible accident,” 47 said neutrally.

“Gruesome!” Faba exclaimed. “But I’ve survived worse than that.” He smirked. "But I’d love to see you try that.

“Final bid?”

“The gun in my pocket. Quick draw, bullet through the head. You’d be dead before you hit the floor,” 47 said dispassionately.

“That’s more like it!” Faba proclaimed, “But very risky. You’d have a lot of witnesses on your hands.” He folded his free hand behind his back.

“But as much as I’d like to see you try those things,” Faba went on to say, “my men are on very specific orders to kill Victoria if they don’t hear from me.”

Faba tapped his cup with a finger. “Have you ever read Sherlock Holmes, 47?” 47 made no move to respond, but it didn’t deter him. “Oh, they’re classics. My personal favorite was The Final Problem. Moriarty versus Holmes. And they both take a slip down the Reichenbach Falls…” Faba tips his coffee cup over, spilling the contents onto the pavement.

“I’ll be at Buckingham Palace tonight,” Faba said, the non sequitur failing to surprise 47.

“So your associate tells me,” 47 stated flatly.

“Ah, so you did have a chat with Alice.” Faba didn’t seem surprised. In fact, he seemed pleased. “I was hoping you would. I was sort of counting on her bringing you here, if you understand.”

Faba drops his cup, letting it bounce somewhat against the ground. “If you kill me, 47, Victoria goes free,” Faba paused, letting that information sink in. The quirk to his lips didn’t fade. "And if that happens, she’ll be right here.

“If I kill you, then I suppose it doesn’t matter what I do with Victoria, does it?” Faba asked, crushing his cup beneath his foot for emphasis.

“What makes you think I’ll show at all?” 47 asked. “You’re putting a lot of faith in me caring about Victoria.”

Faba said nothing for a moment. Then, he reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a fancy black invitation. “You’ll show because if you don’t the girl will be…disposed of.” He held out the card.

47 took it.

“Guess I’ll see you there,” Faba smirked, beginning to walk away. “Tonight, we both fall down the Reichenbach Falls, and no one’s telling which of us is going to survive.”

Post-Mission Cutscene:
The van rumbled as it moved along the road, the driver casually turning them onto the next one.

Victoria groaned into her gag in dismay when the van took a particularly hard turn, flinging her into the side of one of the guards, who shoved her roughly back into her seat.

“How much longer of this?” one guard asked in impatience. “I didn’t join a militia to babysit.”

“Not long now,” the main guard replied. Or at least, Victoria assumed he was the main guard since his garb was different from the others.

Victoria leaned back in her seat, trying, for the seventh time, to feel for anything that could cut through her binds.

“Have you guys seen the moon tonight?” a guard asked, looking through the van’s tinted windows.

“I’ll tell you something you don’t know,” the one next to him said. “The moon, and the sun, they’re actually the same thing.”

Victoria stopped her searching, it was useless. Maybe she could twist her arms and snap the binds off?

“The moon is on one side and the sun is on the other,” the guard was saying, “They’re really just a half each!”

Victoria dropped the idea again, the same one she’d tried for a fourth time now. She just wasn’t strong enough.

“We only see them one at a time. So, when you see the moon outside during the day, that’s just a reflection from the other side of the world that’s looking at the moon!”

They left her feet unbinded, though. She could use that to her advantage. But how?

“What the fuck are you talking about?” a different guard asked, completely bewildered.

She was so stupid. How could she have let Faba catch her so easily? After all the training Travis forced her to do, she was still useless.

“It’s true!” the guard insisted.

“No it’s not,” the other one said, mixed between a laugh and a scoff.

“Like you have any room to talk,” the guard said, sounding offended, “You thought if you practiced breathing underwater, you’d grow gills!”

At least they were idiots. She stood a higher chance of escaping that way.

The main guard cursed, staring at his phone.

“Burgess?” one of them asked, the other two quieting down.

The newly dubbed Burgess looked at his phone for a second longer, then brought his gaze up to Victoria. “Boss is dead,” he said.

Victoria smiled behind her gag. Like there was ever any doubt 47 would kill Faba.

“So, what do we do with her?” a guard asked.

Victoria’s smile disappeared.

Burgess slipped his phone back into his pocket. “What the boss told us to do.”

Victoria struggled in her seat. She didn’t want to die! There were so many things she wanted to do! She…she never told 47 that she loved him. That she truly cared for him…

She couldn’t die…

Burgess grabbed Victoria from the scruff of her neck, shoving her to the van floor right as they pulled to a stop.

Victoria whimpered at the impact. She awkwardly searched the floor with her hands to find something, anything she could use to protect herself with.

She came up empty and her eyes shot up to Burgess.

One of the guards opened the door, but Victoria couldn’t pay it any attention. Not when she was on her knees, helpless. Fear in her eyes.

“See you around, Vicky,” Burgess mocked, before bringing up his knee, kicking his foot into Victoria’s stomach.

Victoria tumbled out of the van, landing on her back against the pavement.

Burgess closed the door, and the van skid against the road as they sped off.

Victoria watched the van disappear, making no move to get up. She was so, so tired.

All she could see was a man’s legs stepping onto the road while she lay there. They bent down and put a hand on her shoulder. She groaned and shuffled away from the grip slightly.

Slowly, the binds fell away, and Victoria blinked. She rubbed her wrist, then ripped the gag from her mouth and looked up at the man.

“47?” Victoria blinked again, her voice small. She probably should’ve guessed. “How did you find me?”

47 ignored the question, helping her up to her feet instead. “I’m sorry,” he said, and Victoria had to do a double take. “You’re safe now.”

“Shouldn’t I be the one apologizing?” Victoria hugged herself, giving her best attempt at humor. It went over 47’s head.

“No. I’m sorry for robbing you of your revenge,” 47 said. “I know how much killing Faba meant to you.” 47 awkwardly put his hands in his pockets. “I’ve taken that choice from you.”

If Victoria was expecting anything, this would be at the very bottom of her expectations.

47 walked past her and over to the car he’d rented.

“I couldn’t do it,” Victoria said quietly, stopping 47. “I had a gun pointed right at him and - and I couldn’t do it. That’s how he took me.” She asked self-consciously, “Am I a disappointment to you?”

“No,” 47 said flatly. “You could,” he paused - he’d never been good at these sorts of things, “never be a disappointment to me.”

Victoria’s heart swelled. “Thank you,” she whispered.

47 opened the back car door. “Get some sleep. We’re leaving.”

Victoria clambered in and rested her head against the seat rest. Travis was wrong about her. He created her to be his personal assassin, told her that that’s all she would ever be.

But that part of her life is over now. She could choose who she wanted to be. What she wanted to be.

Victoria smiled and let sleep take her.

Whittleton Creek was boring, 47 surmised. That’s what made it perfect.

He didn’t tell Victoria what they were doing here. He figured she would’ve been unbelievably upset with him if he did.

“This place looks nice,” Victoria commented as she looked out the window, watching the houses pass by.

47 didn’t say anything. When they pulled into their stop, he saw Victoria shuffle out of the corner of his eye.

He stepped out of the car and Victoria followed his lead.

“Take your bag,” 47 said, circling the car.

Victoria furrowed her brow in confusion, but grabbed her travel bag anyway.

Together, they walked up to the front door of the house, and 47 rang the doorbell.

Victoria bounced from foot to foot, looking around.

A minute passed and Victoria was about to ask, once again, why they were there when the door opened.

“Hey guys! Sorry for keeping you waiting, I was in the middle of cooking something.”

Carlton Smith was wearing a patriotic chef apron, one that had the American flag designed onto it.

“You’re gonna love it, Victoria,” he gushed.

“Carlton?” Victoria asked, puzzled.

Carlton’s big smile diminished slowly. He glanced between 47 and Victoria. “You didn’t tell her?” Carlton asked 47.

“Tell me what?” Victoria worried her lip.

47 turned to the teenage girl. “This is your new home, Victoria,” he said bluntly.

Victoria took an involuntary step back. “W-what?” she stuttered.

47 took what was probably the equivalent of a sigh for him. "You were right, before. I won’t always be able to protect you. The ICA won’t come after you, but they will come after me.

“There will always be people like them,” he said, images of Mark Faba flashing briefly through his mind, “So there will always be people like me.”

Victoria slammed her small fists into 47’s torso, “You bastard!” she cried. “You can’t leave,” she buried her head in his chest, “You can’t!”

47 gently took Victoria’s face in his hands, tilting her up to look at him. “This is the way it has to be.”

“You can stay here with us - with me.” Carlton awkwardly scratched the back of his neck at that.

“I’ve chosen my path, Victoria. I can’t change that.”

Victoria sobbed, “Please,” she clutched his lapels, “please…” She stared into his blue eyes. “I love you.”

47 looked unmoved for a few seconds, before the scowl he usually had melted into something a little more caring.

“I love you, too,” he said, though his monotone voice didn’t change.

Victoria threw her arms around his shoulders, crushing herself to him in a hug, crying into him.

47 stiffened, then, very slowly, wrapped his arms around Victoria in return.

They stayed in that position for what seemed to be hours until, finally, 47 pulled them apart.

Victoria wiped her sleeve against her face and turned away. Picking up her travel bag, she passed the threshold into Carlton’s house.

She stopped to turn around. “Will I see you again?” Victoria asked, her eyes a mix of red and green.

47 contemplated the question. He watched as Victoria bit her lip, drawing in on herself more and more until he came to a decision.

“One day,” he told her.

Victoria let go of her lip to give 47 a small smile.

After a moment, 47 turned around and walked back to his car, refusing to stop or turn around to look back at the girl he’d come to care for.


  • The map takes place at Buckingham Palace.
  • Eliminating Mark Faba grants the player a challenge complete on ‘The Puppetmaster’.
  • Killing Faba also grants the player the completion of a challenge called ‘The Reichenbach Fall’.
  • Faba is an enforcer to 47 in almost every disguise.
  • Faba’s awareness is far greater than everyone else on the map and, for that matter, the entire game.
  • After Faba is killed, a prompt reading ‘Confirm the kill’ appears. This always appears after Faba is killed except for if his body is destroyed.
  • It’s highly suggested that Faba told 47 about Alice Thorne as a contingency plan just in case he managed to survive Quebec.
  • Half of the guards are mercenaries hired by Faba. The leader of said mercenaries is Patrick Morgan, who Faba refers to as Morgan.
  • Mercenaries check in every two minutes. When one doesn’t check in, Faba says, “He’s here.”
  • Richard M. Foreman is pretending to be Sir Michael Hawthorne.
  • While Faba is trying to kill 47 in an extremely elaborate way, the player only gets bits and pieces of what that plan is. The two primary things that the player can figure out are a part of Faba’s plan are that half the guards are secretly mercenaries working for Faba, and the other is that Richard M. Foreman is to play a part in some way.
  • Achieving full mastery on this mission unlocks dual wielding Silverballers.
  • The player cannot bring in any items with them into the map until they achieve full mastery.
  • Furthermore, there are no smuggling points until halfway through mastery completion.
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And there it is, that’s all of it. I think I’ll come back and edit it so that the missions are more descriptive.

What did you think? Was it good or bad?


I like it! Really weaves the two games together.

Have you thought about writing a straight-up sequel to the World of Assassination trilogy?

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Thank you!

I haven’t, actually. I wouldn’t know where to start. I thought those games were wrapped up rather nicely

Is this the right thread for this? My partner and I worked on this together - I did the overall story ‘vibes’ (haha) and the design, he wrote the briefing.

The Lagomorpha Evacuation

Good afternoon, 47. Your target is Dr. Claudio Velotta, virtuoso biochemical engineer and purveyor of boutique poisons to the rich and powerful. With his deadly cocktails used for everything from individual assassinations to ethnic cleansing, Velotta’s work has been behind a number of particularly grisly and high-profile incidents in recent years.

Animal testing, of course, plays a crucial part in Velotta’s research process—which brings us to our client. A reclusive billionaire with a boundless affection for animals, our client has undertaken an expensive private search for his stolen rabbit, Snowdrop – which has led him to discover that, via a circuitous and unfortunate route, she has been sold as a test animal to Velotta’s team.

Ensconced in Ether Biotech’s Sapienza field lab, Velotta has begun work on what intel suggests may be his most deadly agent yet. Our client, understandably, does not want Snowdrop to be its first victim. Penetrate the Ether field lab, retrieve Snowdrop, and eliminate Velotta, so that no more creatures—human, rabbit, or otherwise–have to suffer his inventions.

It’s absolutely essential that you retrieve the rabbit, 47: the client has specified that it is a fundamental condition of the contract. But then, something tells me that you will make this a priority.

Your flight to Italy leaves tomorrow at 0500. I will leave you to prepare.


Hitman: Cosmos
Mission 1: A New Age
Silvio DeFaba
Mohammed Al Fulani
Location: Benghazi,Libya
47 arrives on a dock, on a island off the coast of Benghazi. His goal: Eliminate both Mohammed Al Fulani, a notorious Sudanese crime lord, who’s meeting up with 47’s second target, Silvio DeFaba, a arms manufacturer and dealer, who plans to sell a deadly toxic gas bomb to Fulani. After the hit, 47 discovers a note, written about a secret organization, which Fulani seems to be part of.

Hitman: Cosmos
Mission 2: The Big Bang
Dr. Jan Kovac
Assistant Peters
Retrieve the Serum
Location: Columbia,South Carolina
After the hit in Benghazi, 47 discovers Fulani had ties to a Slovak scientist and exotic animal dealer, Jan Kovac, who’s been testing a unknown serum on several animals at his lab in Columbia, 47 also has to eliminate the Assistant, Peters, who is also close to Kovac. Afterwards, 47 discovers another letter about the same organization he discovered in Benghazi, with the name “Cosmos”.

Hitman: Cosmos
Mission 3: Kaleidoscope
Mae Park
Elias Bentwood
Location: Busan, South Korea
47 is tasked to go to South Korea to eliminate Mae Park, leader of an organization named “Kaleidoscope”. Mae is very corrupt seeming to deal and deliver drugs across the peninsula. She is meeting with Elias Bentwood, 47’s 2nd target to plan about building a massive factory on Jeju Island. Afterwards 47 is attacked by an unknown man in a helicopter in Mae’s Tower, 47 escapes via speedboat, and heads to Jeju Island and onboards a Plane to the US.

Hitman: Cosmos
Mission 4: Streets of Hawkon
Carter Bluefield
Barry Dusmann
Location: Hawkon,USA
47 heads to a small city in Northern Maine, Hawkon. 47 is tasked to take down the corrupt mayor of Hawkon, Preston Langley, who’s residing on his private island near the city, but in order to get close, 47 will need to Eliminate his head of security, Carter Bluefield, and his head hacker, Barry Dusmann. 47 takes care of the two, and takes a rowboat to Langleys island, to eliminate the man.

Hitman: Cosmos
Mission 5: The death of a Mayor
Preston Langley
Location: Langleys Mansion,USA
47 heads to eliminate corrupt mayor of Hawkon, Preston Langley, who’s had ties to the Nicaraguan Mendolez Cartel for 7 years, using the money to corrupt Hawkon into depression. After 47 kills Langley, he discovers a note, which says that he’s part of the same organization Fulani and Kovac are part of.

This part one of my 12 mission long hitman story, been working on it for quite a while, hope you guys enjoy it!


Here’s my first shot at making a mission as practice for a story I’m calling “HITMAN: New Blood”. I did this in time for Christmas last year, but didn’t really feel like sharing it until now since it’s not as good as I would like it to be.

You’ll Go Down in History

Saint Eustace, Minnesota

Mission Briefing

HANDLER: Good morning agent, and merry Christmas. Your targets are married couple Frank and Beth Nielsen. Two years ago, they kidnapped our client’s daughter and held her for a ransom of half a million dollars. When he was unable to pay up, they hired hitmen to kill her. The case has gone cold ever since. We’ve located them in the small northern town of Saint Eustace, Minnesota, where they live quietly as unassuming members of the community. Frank runs a car dealership in town where he’s currently holding a holiday sales event, while Beth, branch manager of the local Aegis Insurance office, is hosting the company’s Christmas party. Both targets will be very busy preparing for the holiday, so now’s a good chance to make your list and check it twice. Good luck.


  • Eliminate Frank Nielsen

  • Eliminate Beth Nielsen

Mission Stories

Making Spirits Bright

Frank has got lights strung up all over the car dealership to attract as many customers as possible. Unfortunately, it looks like he’s having problems connecting them all. Sounds like he could use some help.

  • Overhear car salesmen having a conversation about the light setup.

  • Disguise yourself as a Hardware Store Employee.

  • Give Frank the extension cord.

  • Connect the rest of the lights together.

  • Electrocute Frank while he is plugging the lights in.

Slay Ride

There’s a buyer who wants to take one of the cars for a test drive with Frank. The area of the parking lot the test drive will take place in is close to the road and looks slippery. In these conditions, an accident is bound to happen.

  • Observe the buyer talking to themselves.

  • Disguise yourself as the Buyer.

  • Purchase the car.

  • Go for a test drive with Frank and crash the car into a snow drift.

  • Get the snowplow keys from the snowplow driver.

  • Let the snowplow slide down the road and crash into Frank while he inspects the car.

Tender and Mild

The company Christmas party has a potluck going on, but it looks like one key dish is missing: the turkey. Beth is in a hurry to get it cooked as quickly as possible. She wants to use a fryer one of the caterers brought to the event but she was turned away. Maybe there’s a chance to speed things up.

  • Overhear two insurance agents talking about the food.

  • Disguise yourself as an Insurance Agent.

  • Get rid of the caterer by the deep fryer.

  • Replace the thawed turkey with a frozen turkey.

  • Pour extra oil into the fryer.

  • Tell Beth she can use the fryer.

Deck the Halls

Beth wants everything going on at the party to go perfectly, including the decorations. However, the star for the Christmas tree has gone missing. It’s also worth noting that she wants to put it on top of the tree herself. Interesting.

  • Investigate a memo sent to the interns about the decorations.

  • Disguise yourself as an Intern.

  • Find the star.

  • Sabotage the stepladder with a screwdriver.

  • Give the star to Beth.

More Than You Could Ever Know

Although the police couldn’t solve the case, the evidence is still being held at the police station. If we let the targets know they’ve been found out, it’s likely they’ll try to flee to a more discreet location.

  • Overhear a conversation at the memorial by the church.

  • Disguise yourself as a Police Officer.

  • Steal the evidence.

  • Place the evidence inside Beth’s gift.

  • Place the evidence on Frank’s desk.

  • Wait for the targets to meet at the garden center.

  • Eliminate the targets with the wood chipper.



The Humbug: Eliminate Frank Nielsen.

The Helper: Eliminate Beth Nielsen.


You Would Even Say it Glows: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by electrocuting him with the Christmas lights.

Oh Oh No: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by dropping the sleigh decoration on him.

Over the Fields We Go: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by making the snowplow crash into him.

It Doesn’t Show Signs of Stopping: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by cutting the brakes to the car, sabotaging the airbags, and bailing out during the test drive.

O Tannen-bomb: Assassinate Frank Nielsen with a car explosion.

Silent Night: Assassinate Frank Nielsen with carbon monoxide poisoning.

Red Nosed: Assassinate Frank Nielsen with poisoned eggnog.

Do You See What I See: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by impaling him on the hood ornament.

Wham!: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by crushing him under a hydraulic car lift.

Jerry Can’t: Assassinate Frank Nielsen by lighting him on fire with an oil drum.

Roasting on an Open Fire: Assassinate Beth Nielsen with a fryer explosion.

All-Star: Assassinate Beth Nielsen with the star.

Fall-la-la-la-la: Assassinate Beth Nielsen by sabotaging the stepladder.

Shockin’ Around the Christmas Tree: Assassinate Beth Nielsen by electrocuting her while she’s watering the tree.
Bauble Head: Assassinate Beth Nielsen by dropping a hanging ornament on her.

Blue Christmas: Assassinate Beth Nielsen by strangling her with the tinsel.

You Shouldn’t Have: Assassinate Beth Nielsen by placing an explosive inside her gift.

Have a Cup of Cheer: Assassinate Beth Nielsen with poisoned hot chocolate.

Yeah, I Sure Hope it Does: Assassinate Beth Nielsen by pushing her into a manhole.

Far Gone: Assassinate both targets with the wood chipper.

Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Assassinate both targets with poison.

Two For the Price of One: Assassinate both targets with the snowplow.

Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose: Assassinate both targets by shooting the ice while they’re standing on the frozen lake.

Down Through the Chimney: Assassinate both targets by dropping a propane tank down a fireplace chimney.

You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out: Assassinate both targets with a hunting rifle.

No Brainer(d): Assassinate both targets as the Police Officer.

Maul Bunyan: Assassinate both targets with an axe.


100% on Your Police Work: Steal the evidence.

Secret Santa: Find the gifts in the conference room.

A Gift with a Bow: Find the office supply crossbow.

Duly Noted: Find the carolers’ sheet music.

More to Life than a Little Money Y’know: Escape in the police car.

Liability: Escape in Beth’s car.

Buyer’s Remorse: Escape in the test drive car.

Snow Man’s Land: Escape in the snowplow.

And to All a Good Night: Escape in Santa’s sleigh.

Proud Foot: Escape by walking out of town.


He Sees You When You’re Sleeping: Disguise yourself as Santa Claus.

Jingles Sell: Disguise yourself as the Car Salesperson.

Nutcracker: Disguise yourself as the Technician.

Sign Your X on the Line: Disguise yourself as the Buyer.

Stealth on the Shelf: Disguise yourself as an Intern.

For Calling Birds: Disguise yourself as the Customer Service Representative.

Sweater Weather: Disguise yourself as an Insurance Agent.

Darn Tootin’: Disguise yourself as the Police Officer.

You’re a Mean One: Disguise yourself as the Grouch.

Funny Lookin’: Find all the disguises.

You Make Me Sick: Make a target throw up by poisoning them with mistletoe.

Shop Gifting: Steal a frozen turkey from the supermarket.

Dreaming of a White Christmas: Pacify three people with snowballs.

Stay Frosty: Hide inside a snowman.

Carol of the Bells: Go caroling at every house.

X-mas: Get a strike in bowling.

Five Golden Rings: Sell five people insurance as the Customer Service Representative.

Getting the Boot: Hide a body in the trunk of a car.

Cold Miser: Hide a body in a pile of snow.

Wreathing Havoc: Ruin the Christmas party by burning the cookies, stealing the gifts, and smashing the gingerbread houses. Do not get spotted.

Disguises :

  • Caroler

  • Supermarket Employee

  • Hardware Store Employee

  • Gardener

  • Donut Shop Employee

  • Bowling Alley Employee

  • Snowplow Driver

  • Police Officer

  • Buyer

  • Car Salesperson

  • Accountant

  • Technician

  • Custodian

  • Security Guard

  • Caterer

  • Intern

  • Customer Service Representative

  • Insurance Agent

  • Santa Claus

  • The Grouch


I love how you set this up, and I especially love the briefing; could actually hear Diana’s voice and picture the opening cutscene showing me the locations where the targets are.

My only question: if the clients were unable to afford paying the ransom, how are they affording the ICA’s services? Even if they’re not hiring 47, the lower-tier agents are still the most expensive in the industry, after all. Just curious, not trying to derail the setup.

I forgot to mention that the premise of HITMAN: New Blood is that after the ICA goes down, several competing agencies rush to fill the void. The missions are completed by a different agency known as Cerberus, with an original agent and handler. Since this is a relatively small agency, they’re more affordable.

Speaking of a new handler, I tried my best to make them sound different from Diana in terms of personality and so on. Not sure if I succeeded. He’ll be male because every handler we’ve met so far is female, and I feel like changing things up a little. He’ll also be American but that’s besides the point

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Got bored about a few months ago and wondered what if each of the Seven Deadly Sins had their own levels. It lead to something I worked on a few times until I burnt out. (I have one level left but I am still working with other real projects to get around to finishing it) So without further ado here is

HITMAN: Sinful Septuple

Greed: You Better Bet Your Life – Yellow Dragon Casino, Macau

47 goes to the city-state of Macau to eliminate the greedy owner of one of the city’s largest gambling franchises and his partner in crime, a Triad boss who sees an opportunity to amass great wealth with little effort. The client is the owner of an American casino franchise that owns several casinos in the area. Long’s underhanded consolidation of local gambling halls is angering the American and the crime Long has attracted through his partnership with the Triads is also unseemly and costly.

Targets: Sun Yuen Long (The Fuzanglong), Maria Ling (The Lady Dragon)

Pride: Classically Trained – Monte Carlo, Monaco

47 is on the set of Only Once and Never Again, the exciting new entry in the Solomon King film franchise in order to assassinate the lead actor. As it turns out a celebrity tabloid’s “star” reporter has found evidence that Harrison has had a habit of killing competition for his roles including the previous Solomon King. The tabloid wants Harrison to pass on first after all why release evidence of a murder straight up when you can wait for him to die and make tabloid history?

Targets: Sam Harrison (The Dramatist)

Sloth: Slip ‘n’ Sliding Away – Red, White and Blue Waterpark, Lake Delton, Wisconsin, USA

Lake Delton and the broader Wisconsin Dells are home to some of the largest waterparks on the North American continent and in deed one of the largest in the world, the RWB is no exception. But where as other parks concern themselves with their rules, regulations and not having their guests die the RWB is mostly a death trap. The client is the owner of a rival water park that wants to lazily expand his park by merging with the RWB. Unfortunately despite the parks reputation the Presley family still run the park as they have for nearly 40 years.

Targets: Peter Presley Sr. (The Slough), Peter Presley Jr. (The Big Kahuna)

Lust: Wedlock Holiday – Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Mexico

A personal and strictly professional contract, Diana has 47 sent to assassinate a former ICA handler left out of a job by the closure of the agency and a cartel boss who inherited his position after the collapse of the old regime. They are seeking to form a Pan-American assassination bureau so they need to be stopped. Their honeymoon to the sands of Baja California would be the ideal place to get them alone together.

Targets: Armando Moreno (The Groom), Mercedes Aguilar (The Bride)

Gluttony: The Last Course – Kleiner-Meyer Conference Centre, Vienna, Austria

47 attends an international agricultural trade show in Vienna in order to assassinate the Hungarian delegate, Niklas Silko. Niklas Silko lacks fundamental knowledge relating to his field aside from eating and he has been embezzling hundreds and thousands of dollars from the Hungarian government through bogus agricultural deals and farming plajns. Silko hasn’t been removed solely because he is friends with the autocratic ruler of Hungary. A high-level functionary however sees a chance to gobble up his position so he has 47 leased out to assassinate the so called “One Man Food Insecurity Issue”

Target: Niklas Silko (The Bloat)

Envy: Survival of the Fittest – Muinopeh Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia

To the islands of Micronesia where 47 goes onto the set of a reality TV show The Fittest in order to assassinate Tim Quinn CEO of Quantum Leap and notorious patent thief. The client is the CEO of a tech start-up company that Quinn was trying to buy out, he has put his monopolisation efforts on hold to appear on the show but the client wants him dead before he can return and initiate a hostile takeover of his company. To that end 47 has to infiltrate the island as a contestant, male model and runway icon Helmut Kruger.

Target: Tim Quinn (The Overshadowed)

Wrath: It Can’t Happen Here – Bourke’s Creek Station, Northern Territory, Australia

47 goes to a ultranationalist militia compound based out of an old outback station in the wild, ochre heart Australia in order to take out a totalitarian militia before they can finish working on a chemical weapon they plan on unleashing on a joint US-Australian Navy task force training in the region. 47 is contracted out by a defector who aims to collaborate with the AFP to end the militia before they can enact their plan.

Targets: Keith Sharpe (The Disaffected), Bruce Dermott (The Freelancer), Emma Byron (The Stentorian), Jeremy “Stingray” Tyler (The Terminally Online)

Despair: Still of the Night – Chief Seattle State Park, Oregon, USA

Ha ha ha you schmucks! You thought I was done but no, I fooled you all and so would any audience that would play this if it were a game with a super-secret eight level based on the super obscure “Only-recognised-by-the-Orthodoxy” sin of Despair. 47 heads to a rave in a disused state park lodge to find and track down a serial killer who targets anyone and everyone as a part of his sick desire to capture immortality through the essence of fear and despair. You might recognise the profession of this person as well…

Adrian DeWitt (The Photographer)


Absolutely brilliant. I like some of the nods to the main trilogy in there, the obscurity of some of the locations (Micronesia? Fuckin’ awesome!), the whackiness of the targets and what they do and why they’re targeted. This could totally be its own game, and I’d sure as hell play it.

I covered that one, here:


Thanks, man!

Originally Tahiti but one of the kills I had in mind needed a naval base and the French never felt the need to build fortifications in the Pacific and the Japanese never got around to really holding the islands there.

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Alright, I have returned to Writing. And This time, we’re going around the world, starting in Europe.

Mission 1: God Save Us All
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Setting: Westminster Lane
No.1: Logan Lane
No.2: Connor Lane
No.3: Peter Schau

Good Morning, 47. Your destination for today is in London, England. Where you will have 3 Targets to Kill.
Your First Target is Logan Lane, who is A Local Delivery Boy by day, Criminal By Night. He is also the heir to The Lane Criminal Firm, Making him a Threat.
Secondly, The Next Target is Connor Lane, an Alling Crime Boss who is the leader of the Firm.
Lastly, The Final Target Is Peter Schau, A German Accountant for The Firm.
All Three are planning to kill A Private Investigator Named Olivier Thompson, His Uncle is our client as well, 47. If anything happens to him, the contract is a failure. Good Luck, 47.
Side Notes: (These Side Notes are facts that I make up on the fly. They could also give you clues on how to kill them.)

  1. The Private Investigator was hired by a Grieving family after their Son was found dead in his apartment. However, When The Private Investigator had his cover blown by Peter Schau, He was abducted. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
  2. Logan loved the theater as A child, and even wanted to become an actor at one point, but had to stop pursuing it after his father made him his heir.
  3. Peter Has A Secret Room hidden behind a Painting of Himself in his bedroom