I’ve finally unlocked the Undying Look ! After years of lamentation about missing it in hitman 2, it is good to finally have it.
To assure this my completionist profile run was the poisoned cake opportunity. So it was boring, and uneventful and I am not going to bore you with it.
Now for my second profile, and to celebrate, I wanted to be more creative.
My first thought was to go to Wen Ts’ai, smash an explosive in his plate before screaming “How do you like THAT seasoning !“ and running like hell.
In the end for the reactivation of a 2016 Elusive Target I decided to serve a speciality from his time, an homage to his many original deaths, a death a la carte one might say.
It is not subtle.
It has all 18 fire extinguishers and 5 propane flasks of the level. It was a lot of back and forth and I almost got caught by the hotel manager a few times (didn’t even remember that she went into this alcove during her routine).
Still got away with Silent Assassin and an “accident” kill.