Murillo is significantly more annoying as his gameplay is random each restart. It’s a cool gimmick that gets old really REALLY quickly.
At least with Gorski you can actually follow him about and make a plan, even if the kill methods are still fairly limited. Boring game design is not worse than bad game design, which is what Murillo suffers from. He is even more limited in kill methods due to his random spawns, and some are even specific to certain spawns (like sedating him when he goes for a smoke in the shanty town).
Oh, yeah. I very easily took him out No Loadout SA SONKO during my Year 3 runs where I did every ET that way. I could have sworn I’d uploaded video of that, but it’s not even in my meager YouTube account so I must not have.
Basically, propane throw + car battery throw from cover = easy peasy.
I haven’t had any trouble with that method. With the timing of the route I use she never comes around, and even if she did I’m pretty sure the blending-in to serve keeps her from noticing 47.
My route is this. Default start, no loadout needed.
Hop West’s back fence and climb in the bathroom window for the server disguise there. Upstairs to get the key, then down into the basement to get lethal poison.
Back to the streets and around to the front of the Wilson property (not getting too near the muffin stand worker on the way), then down the path to start serving.
Invite the target to eat poisoned fries when he comes around, and be gone towards an exit by the time he finishes eating and dies.
I really wish you could trick the target into trying to make 47 his next victim, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be an option.
Yeah I mean it’s not hard, it’s just boring. Correct, blending in will make the hostess ignore you. Running around the party though, you need to recall she’s there. It’s not a big deal, it’s just… boring.
More interestingly, there was a bug upon completion where the XP meter didn’t show or go up, and my level was noted as zero even though it’s… not. You can see this very briefly at the end of my video, but I cut off the recording pretty quickly.
I did this over the weekend. Took a sniper rifle up to the 2nd floor of the house next door and shot him through the window. It wasn’t Silent Assassin, the body was absolutely found, and I think my score may have been only 2-3 stars, but it’s done.
The 0 xp bug happens to me when I play a mission in the campaign and leave without completing it and then play a contract in the same location, or vice versa. Perhaps you were playing on Whittleton Creek before doing the elusive target?
Didn’t feel like coming up with a new route, so just remade my first run - better video, done smoother, no loadout and included that dialogue with The Censor. The killing method itself is perfect IMO, can’t think of anything better.