I’d still take that over Embrace of the Serpent.
Finished all three of these long-absent returners, and with exactly the means I set out to use. The Pharmacist got her throat cut with the concealed knife, our girl The Warlord got skewered with her own machete, and The Sensation got sick from a smashed durian and drowned in a toilet. Silent Assassin for each, no KOs for The Pharmacist, No KOs and Suit Only for The Sensation. So far, a productive week.
I screwed up this one. I killed the target no problem, but the secondary objective proved to be more of an issue. Anyway, I killed about 30 guards
Having trouble with this one. About two years ago I’ve been playing all the ETs in H2016 using Peacock (following the regular ET rules) and I swear I could mix Bloody Mary in her kitchen as a waiter, which she would come to drink. Didn’t get SA back then, because I got trapped by enforcers which I didn’t expect and got suspicion, but that wouldn’t happen if I fleed the floor earlier.
Now I just can’t get it to work. Sometimes the prompt to blend in as a waiter appears at around 7th minute, sometimes it doesn’t. When it does - I can mix the cocktail, but no one ever comes to drink it. The only thing I’ve noticed is that the officer enters the kitchen only once (~8th minute), then goes away. Is this opportunity broken in H3 or am I missing something?
Also, figured a gangsta way to grab the USB stick, managed to pull this off several times in a row, but then couldn’t do it anymore for some reason.
In the top floor central garden/open area, there’s a cigarette on the ground near where you can toss a PT and wait, but the last time I played it she never went to smoke. Besides that, she never would come out of ‘lockdown’ at some point. I’d be willing to bet her path/routine script is bugged.
Must be fun to get this bug after grabbing the files.
I’ve been doing risky moves on a buggy and really hard ET. Miraculously got away undetected in a situation where I shouldn’t have survived. Playing on my only account, don’t even take Alt+F4 as an option.
And of all things that could go wrong - I had to run out of storage during recording. Goddammit.
Good news is that the difficult part was recorded. Then I waited until Kalu and the commander leave, penetrated Nne from behind, hid her in the closet, her machete in the briefcase, and leisurely, as if my hands weren’t shaking, walked to the basement exit. Now my 47 canonically owns Nne Obara’s machete.
UPD: While I’m at it, uploading one of the Bloody Mary tries, which was my original plan for this ET. Couldn’t find any other info about this broken method, so here it is for anyone interested.
Tried many times hoping that it might accidentally work once, but no luck. The blend in option appears always at a different time or doesn’t at all, relatively early on this attempt (timecode 6:00).
Noticed before that once you mix the cocktail, another waiter comes from downstairs, but turns around and goes back once he sees 47. Tried to move away from the area just in case his presence in the kitchen might change something.
I started in 47’s room, Kalmer’d a hotel staff, ran past the guards upstairs and chucked a durian near the target and her guards. Drowned her in a bowl, somehow.
Went back down a floor, grabbed one of the two guards down there and nicked his disguise. Breaching charge in the security room to get the files from the safe, and dropped an EMP to deal with the security camera.
I remember this ET being a LOT more tense and engaging the first time I did it. Her personal bodyguards are super guards and immune to distractions but durian just bypasses that.